Can You Answer This Important Question?

Apr 20, 2023

By Shawn Ambrosino

Everybody wants the “ideal” life – money, success, the perfect relationship – they want the dream. Everybody talks about what they want out of life – but very rarely can they answer this question: What are you willing to go through to get it? Are you willing to suffer for success? Let’s get into this…


Everybody wants the better things in life: happiness, money, sex, power, influence. 

Everybody KNOWS what they want…

But very few are willing to work, sacrifice and endure the pain it can take to get it.  

Everybody wants the easy ride… 

But nobody wants to put in the effort. 

It’s like wanting to hit a new PR without lifting since hitting your last PR… 

Good luck with that.

If you want the BEST life – it’s going to take some sacrifice…

It’s going to take some PAIN – and unless you’re willing to put yourself through that pain – you’ll never get the life you truly want.  

Life isn’t really like some all-you-can-eat buffet… 

You can’t just pick and choose the good stuff.

If you want a healthy body – you have to take it all – even the gross broccoli (because let’s face it, nobody REALLY likes broccoli)… 

But you gotta eat it to stay healthy.

Are You Willing To Suffer For Success?

So, when I ask you, “What do you want out of life?” and you say, “I want to be happy, have a great family, and a job I like.”


Boring – but, ok… 

That may be your “ideal” life.

If it is – that’s fine…

But even with a boring life – you need to ask yourself a real question, something you’ve never thought of before: 

What pain do you want in your life? What are you willing to struggle for? 

Are you willing to SUFFER for success? 

Because the brutal truth is: life is pain. 


It’s the good kind of pain – like when you exercise and you feel sore the next day – or you’ve got that but in your mouth that you just can’t stop poking with your tongue. 

Sure, there’s some BAD pain as well – but if we can find ways to mitigate the bad – and enhance the good…

We can come out on top. 

It’s true, though…

Everybody wants to be rich and successful – but nobody wants to work 60-hour weeks, sit in traffic, and do boring paperwork. 

Newsflash, people: life is not a rom-com montage where you dance around your office and everything magically falls into place. 

You’ve got to hustle…

You’ve got to do the work. 

Do The Work

And don’t even get me started on relationships. 

Everybody wants to find their soulmate – they want them to be the hottest person in the room, want them to have a connection, and they want to have mind-blowing sexual experiences with them…

But nobody wants to have those awkward conversations or deal with hurt feelings. 

Relationships are like a rollercoaster – it has it’s ups and downs, and even some corkscrews – but if you ride that sucker all the way to the end…

It can feel just incredible. 


You’ve got to do the work. 

The same can be said for your fitness level…

Everybody wants the perfect body: ripped, size, strength, endurance – but how many people are actually willing to sacrifice to get there? 

It takes a lot of time and effort to diet, meal prep, train, lift, do cardio, supplement and everything else you need to do to look the way you want…

But there are few willing to go through the pain to get the results they want. 

Those that do are the ones that embraced the suck – and came out on top. 

You can too…

But you’ve got to do the work. 

The hack is – accepting that “pain” – and even making friends with it. 

That pain is the fire that shapes you – and you’ve got to go through the fire to become who you want to be. 

Don’t Look Back With Regret

Most people don’t get that… 

They settle for a mediocre life and wonder, “What if?” 

But let me tell you – when you’re old and gray and looking back on your life – you don’t want to ask yourself, “Was that it?” 

You want to say, “Damn, I did that!”

Happiness requires struggle… 

You can’t have the good without the bad. 

It’s like trying to eat a cake without the calories. It’s impossible. 

So, instead of asking yourself, “What do I want to enjoy?” ask yourself, “What pain am I willing to endure?” 

That’s the real question that will determine your success.

Now, don’t get me wrong…

You don’t need to be a masochist, martyr or a saint – you just need to be someone who values something more than the discomfort that comes with it.

So, what are you willing to struggle for? 

What can you put up with and suffer for? 

It’s What Will Define You

The answer to those questions..

That is what will ultimately define you. 

The people who make it to the top are the ones who are willing to push through the pain and struggle – and not just settle for mediocracy.

Don’t settle for mediocracy… 

Don’t settle for “just okay” or for a life that is less than what you are capable of.

Because the truth is, you ARE capable of greatness. 

You are capable of achieving things that you never thought were possible… 

But it won’t be easy. 

It will require hard work, sacrifice, and struggle.

But if you are willing to put in the effort and suffer through the pain…

The rewards will be worth it. 

You will become the person that you always wanted to be… 

You will achieve the things that you always dreamed of achieving…

And most importantly – you will live a life that is truly worth living.

So, choose your struggles wisely, my friends… 

And never forget that the things that are worth having are worth working for.

“Life is not meant to be easy, my child; but take courage: it can be delightful.” – George Bernard Shaw

Editor’s Note: Shawn’s right – nothing in life worth having should come easy… but that doesn’t mean we can’t get help along the way. Fat loss is a struggle that many have – and it takes time and effort to make and see REAL change. However, what if you could speed that time table up? LIPO-6 BLACK UC INTENSE could help speed up the process as it’s our “Cadillac” of fat burners – this formula has everything you need to help you shed fat faster than you thought possible. Grab a bottle… follow this link and order today!

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