Plant vs. Animal: The Ultimate Protein Showdown

May 02, 2023

By Shawn Ambrosino

Since the dawn of vegetarianism – there’s been a fierce debate between which protein is better suited for packing on lean, hard muscle. Let’s take a look at science so we can determine which protein is superior: plant vs animal. Let’s get into this…

How many people recall the Charles Atlas advertisements in the back of comic books? 

Don’t look at me like that…

I’m not THAT old – but even up through the late 80’s and early 90’s – ads for Charles Atlas’ fitness routine could be bought for the low, low price of 10 cents (probably to cover postage) that would turn you from scrawny to brawny in no time at all. 

The one I remember seeing most was the beach scene…

What’s funny is – Charles talked a LOT about “dynamic tension” – but didn’t say a THING about making sure you were getting in enough protein to feed your muscles what they need to actually grow. 

“I can make you a new man, too, in just 15 minutes a day!”

Well, Charles…

We say to you: BULLSHIT. 

15 minutes a day won’t do JACK…

And again, I reiterate – without the proper amount of protein – you can work out HOURS a day and still not pack on the size to make your buddies jealous and your main squeeze quiver. 


Here’s the rub: it’s VERY hard to get ALL the protein we need – because it’s not EASY to eat all that food and consume all those calories. 

Which Protein Is Superior? Plant Vs. Animal

That’s why protein powders were invented…

A low calorie way to get a nice amount of protein in. 

However, over the past few years, a furious debate has broken out amongst the savages and gardeners – as to WHICH protein is superior for packing on hard, lean muscle: animal-based or plant based. 

So, we decided to do a deep dive and HOPEFULLY put this debate to rest. 

So, it’s pretty established science that protein is CRUCIAL to increasing size and strength – which is why protein powders are one of the most widely consumed supplements…

The harder question is figuring out which protein powder you should choose. 

Animal-based… or plant-based? 

Let’s start with the basics… 

Protein is an essential nutrient that helps build and repair muscles…

Animal-based protein is derived from animal sources such as meat, eggs, and dairy products – while plant-based protein comes from plants like soybeans, peas, and hemp.

Now, you might be thinking that animal-based protein is the clear winner here… 

I mean, doesn’t meat contain all the amino acids you need to build muscle? 

Well, yes and no – because while animal-based protein is considered a “complete” protein because it contains all nine essential amino acids… 

Plant-based protein can also be complete if you combine certain sources. 

For example, pairing rice and beans – or even peanut or almond butter and whole-grain bread – can give you all the essential amino acids you need.

But let’s get down to the nitty-gritty: which protein powder should you choose? 

The most popular animal-based protein powder is whey, which is derived from milk… 

It’s cheap, it’s effective, and it’s been a bodybuilding staple for decades. 


If you’re lactose intolerant or vegan, whey might not be the best choice for you.

You Drink Pea? 

Enter plant-based protein powder… 

There are a ton of options out there – from pea to soy to hemp – if you have a preference, odds are you can find one that fits your diet. 


Can these powders really compare to the tried-and-true whey?

The answer is: it depends. 

According to a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition – both whey and pea protein can be effective for building muscle. 

However, something you may NOT have believed – the study found that pea protein had a slightly more favorable effect on muscle thickness and strength compared to whey – not to mention that pea protein is hypoallergenic and easily digestible…

Making it a good option for those with sensitive stomachs.

But what about soy protein?

Doesn’t it contain phytoestrogens that could mess with your hormones? 

Well, not really… 

According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition – there’s no evidence that soy protein negatively affects testosterone levels in men or women. 

In fact, soy protein has been shown to have similar muscle-building effects to whey protein in some studies.

Well, it seems like both animal-based and plant-based protein powders can be effective for building muscle…

So, the debate rages on. 

So, let’s take a look at some of the other benefits of both kinds of protein.

Protein Is A GIFT For Your Body

Animal-based protein powders like whey tend to be higher in leucine – the amino acid that’s been shown to stimulate muscle protein synthesis…

And whey protein is quickly absorbed by the body – making it a good choice for post-workout recovery. 

On the other hand – plant-based protein powders often contain more fiber, vitamins, and minerals than animal-based powders… 

So, again, each type has its pros and cons. 

That being said – the BEST choice is:

The one you’ll use. 


The best choice depends on your own preferences. 

All things considered equal – you really can’t go wrong with either…

Which is why I go with BOTH. 

During the day and after workouts – I tend to take whey – to make sure my muscles absorb that protein as quickly as possible when they need it the most. 


Before I go to bed – I’ll take a plant-based protein powder – as I find it sits better in my stomach when trying to go to sleep. 

Plus, my theory is that humans are omnivores…

I think there’s a reason why our bodies crave both meat and plants – which is why pizza may be the PERFECT meal, just sayin’!

We’re designed to process both – not every creature on this big beautiful blue planet is…

Which is why I think it’s just a smarter decision to give it both. 

So, go ahead…


Try the different protein powders and find the one that works best for you. 

You may come to the same conclusion that I did – you don’t need just one…

You need both! 

Being Strong Is A CHOICE

Just remember… 

Protein powder isn’t a magic potion – just like Charles Atlas’ program isn’t a magic formula…

Alone, neither will instantly give you bulging biceps.

If you TRULY want to pack on the muscle – you need to put in the work at the gym and get a HEALTHY amount of protein in (about a gram to a gram and a half per pound of body weight – depending on your goals). 


With the right protein powder (or powderS) – you can give your muscles the fuel they need to grow and help you on your journey to becoming a swole king or queen.

You don’t have to be weak…

You don’t have to be small or soft…

Weakness and size is a CHOICE. 

With enough work and enough protein – you CAN have the size and strength that you want – you just need to make that decision. 


You can do neither and NOT grow.

It’s all up to you, homie…

“Biologically, man is still the great amateur of the animal kingdom; he is unique in his lack of anatomical and physiological specialization.” – Rene Dubos

Editor’s Note: Looking for a delicious plant and/or animal protein powder? Well, aren’t YOU in luck – because Nutrex can scratch that particular itch. Our line of whey and plant proteins are unrivaled in taste – and have everything you’ll need to start packing on the lean, hard muscle that’ll have people asking you: “So… what’s your secret?” Take a look at our best selling proteins by following this link – and start growing!

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