Protein – is the best friend any growing athlete can make. If you want to compete in any sport – be it football, bodybuilding or combat sports – nutrition is key and nothing is more important than consuming the required amount of protein. How much do you need? Are you getting enough protein? If not – you’re setting yourself up for failure! Let’s get into this…
Protein, protein, protein…
Not to sound like a broken record – but the simple fact is – protein is the most important piece of the nutrition puzzle for any athlete.
Now, I know what some of you might be thinking…
“Shawn, I’m not an athlete – I just lift.”
However, in a time in our society when only 28% of Americans are meeting the MINIMUM physical activity guidelines – doing anything other than sitting on a couch makes you an athlete in my eyes.
Isn’t that statistic sad?
The VAST majority of Americans aren’t getting the minimum amount of athletic activity they need to just survive…
That’s horrifying.
So, if you’re going to the gym three days a week – consider yourself an outlier.
People don’t lift just to keep their joints lubricated – to lift to keep their muscles primed for growth – and as important as the work is in the gym…
It’s the work OUTSIDE the gym that determines if that growth is going to happen.
And when it comes to the pursuit of packing on muscle mass, one thing is abundantly clear…
Nutrition is your secret weapon.
No ifs, ands, or buts about it, folks. I
If you’re not fueling your body correctly – you might as well be sitting on the couch with the other 72% of Americans.
So, let’s talk turkey…
Are you getting enough protein?
Let Me Tell You About My Best Friend
Actually, before we get into whether you’re getting enough protein…
Let’s talk about why it’s so important.
As I said in the beginning – protein is the best friend your muscles can have…
It’s LITERALLY the fundamental nutrient needed for muscle growth.
Protein is the building block of muscle – which is why if growth is your goal (and if you’re reading this – that’s clearly the case) – protein is ESSENTIAL.
In simple terms: protein is the mortar that holds the bricks of your muscles together.
When you engage in intense workouts – you create tiny tears in your muscle fibers…
Protein swoops in to repair and rebuild these fibers – making them thicker and stronger – and BIGGER.
That’s why we’re here, right?
To get bigger?
High-level sports athletes and professional bodybuilders understand this better than anyone…
They don’t just consume protein – they’ve got it down to a science.
Here’s a blueprint for the best way to pack on serious muscle mass.
Are You Getting Enough Protein?
Have you ever sat down and figured out how much protein you need?
Most people assume they’re getting enough – but the fact is – most of us aren’t getting NEAR as much protein as we need.
The bare minimum?
1 to 1.2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.
Meaning if you weigh 200 pounds and want to maintain 200 pounds – you need to eat roughly 200 grams of protein per day.
That’s JUST maintaining…
If you want to GROW – say to 220 – that means you’ve got to eat 220 grams of protein in order to get to that body weight.
Now, obviously – this isn’t “perfect”…
Weight isn’t just determined by protein intake – but it’s a rough estimate – and is a good guideline for growth.
If growth is the goal – your daily protein intake should be about 1 to 1.2 grams of protein per pound (or 2 to 2.2 grams per kilogram) of body weight.
Yes, that can be a lot…
And it can be hard to get all that food in – so, let’s talk about it.
What’s The BEST Protein?
Are some proteins better than others?
Depends on who you ask…
Mike Menzter would say a gram of protein is a gram of protein – regardless of the source.
Others would tell you to get your protein only from clean sources…
I say: diversify.
Get a vast majority of your protein from lean meats if you can, like: chicken, turkey, and lean cuts of beef or from fish like salmon and trout.
Of course, these aren’t your only choices…
You can get your protein from dairy products like: eggs, yogurt (Greek if possible), milk and certain cheeses.
However, if meat and dairy doesn’t really agree with your system – there’s always a few plant-based sources like tofu, pea protein. legumes or even hemp.
Of course, when all else fails…
There’s always supplementation.
I find it easier to drink a few protein shakes a day rather than try to cook enough protein sources to get me to my intake goal.
Even better…
A lot of these protein powders are delicious. I say this NOT because I work for the company – but because I truly mean it: our ISOFIT Bananas Foster is one of the most DELICIOUS tasting protein powders I’ve ever had.
It’s on another level.
But that’s not the ONLY advantage to drinking protein shakes…
They’re also cost efficient too.
At about $1.50 per serving of 25 grams of protein – you can’t go wrong!
Should I Be Eating Anything Else?
In the era of paleo and carnivore diets…
People wonder if they should be eating anything other than protein.
The answer to that is: of course.
Nutrition isn’t ONLY protein…
It’s the entire food system.
Protein fuel growth…
But carbohydrates fuel MOVEMENT.
Carbohydrates are your body’s primary energy source…
They’re another piece of the puzzle for athletes such as yourself.
However, I’m a carb junkie…
Not sugars, mind you – but breads.
Man, I could make a meal out of a loaf of French bread and butter… 🤤🤤🤤
So, I try to avoid them as much as possible – as I know it’s my weakness and without enough movement – will just be converted to fat.
Which is why when carbing it up – it’s best to opt for complex carbs like whole grains, brown rice, quinoa or sweet potatoes.
High-quality carbohydrates help sustain your energy levels during those grueling workouts…
Allowing you to push harder and lift heavier.
But again…
It’s a balance.
Don’t avoid the LAST piece to the nutrition puzzle: fats.
They’re essential for hormone production and overall health…
Avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil are excellent sources of healthy fats.
There you have it…
A simple way to eat – with an emphasis on growth.
Are You Getting Enough Protein?
Are you?
Remember, your specific requirements may vary based on your goals, body type, metabolism and workout intensity…
But try to keep to the 1 to 1.2 grams of protein per pound of DESIRED body weight – and you should be ok.
I’m definitely not a trained or licensed nutritionist – so, if you have any other questions – you may want to consult one or even a dietitian to tailor a nutrition plan that suits your individual needs.
Of course, the truth is – building muscle mass is easy…
It requires unwavering dedication, relentless workouts, and, most importantly…
A nutrition plan that fuels your body for growth.
Follow these guidelines and you’ll be well on your way to building the physique you’ve got in mind.
Or don’t…
I’m not your boss.
“Getting enough protein is important when I train, to help build muscle and recover, so I’ll supplement with protein shakes.” – Conor McGregor
Editor’s Note: As Shawn mentioned – ISOFIT is one of the most delicious proteins on the market. Coming in 5 delicious flavors (and we do mean DELICIOUS) – we’re confident you’ll find something you’ll LOVE. Not only are they good – but at 25 grams of protein and only 120 calories – it’s as lean as you’re going to get. Grab your favorite flavor today!