Find The Path… Or Make One

Sep 21, 2024

By Shawn

We live in a world that no longer seems to value hard work. Even worse, more and more people look for the shortcut to success – regardless of their goal. Many forget that the path, the journey – is just as important as the destination. You will find a way… or make one. Let’s get into this…

There is so much ancient wisdom that falls through the cracks…

But if you look – you’ll find some gems. Even better, the more you look, the more you’ll see the connections – such as mankind seems to have always had issues – and many of them are the same concerns and issues we face today. 

More and more, it seems there are less people concerned with making themselves better. They seem to be content with who they are – and don’t see a need to try to improve upon the people they are…

Obviously, we’re built different. 

We couldn’t stop ourselves from trying to be better today than we were yesterday if we tried. It’s like we’re driven by this unseen force to achieve some ultimate form of who we are. Even more, we know this means we’ll never reach perfection – but we’re going to work as hard as we can to get close. 

People like us don’t let things stop us either. When we’re presented with a roadblock – we find a way around, over or THROUGH it because we live by a code we weren’t even aware of: 

Inveniam Viam Aut Faciam

I love latin phrases – but this one hit me when I read it. What’s it mean in English?

“I will find a way or make one.”

In a world obsessed with shortcuts and quick fixes – few people truly understand what it means to find a way or make one. It’s the mindset that separates the strong-willed and strong-bodied from the weak – from the ones who will never know what it’s like to push past barriers and those that see barriers as stepping stones to growth. 

When you step into the gym – you don’t go there for comfort… 

The iron doesn’t care how you feel or what kind of day you’ve had. It doesn’t care that your body aches, that work was long or that your mind is telling you to take it easy. What you seek in the gym isn’t sympathy. You’re there for something bigger. Your goal is about pushing your limits – not just physically but mentally – by embracing the grind. 

These limits aren’t barriers – they’re targets…

And our goal is to destroy them. 

Carving A Path

There’s a reason lifting weights is seen as the foundation of building a stronger body… 

Each rep, each set… is a statement. A declaration that you won’t back down – no matter how hard it may seem. Pain and discomfort isn’t a deterrent – it’s a challenge. Every lift, every rep… is you finding a way, or, when necessary – making one. For people like us – giving up is NOT an option… 

When the path isn’t clear – we carve it ourselves.

But this mentality doesn’t stop at the gym doors – it seeps into every aspect of your life. 

Find A Way… Or Make One

Life always presents obstacles but while some choose to avoid them – people like us see them as something to overcome. The weak always seem to find a way to avoid what’s “hard” – it’s easy for them to find excuses to justify their mediocrity. They say it’s “too hard,” “too late,” or that they “don’t have time.” 

But those who live by the silent code of “inveniam viam aut faciam” – know that none of those excuses hold any weight. 

With the right will – and the right people by you – it’s possible to move mountains. It’s about not letting anything stand in the way of your progress. 

Are you tired? Good. That means you’re putting in work. 

Are you sore? Great. That means you’ve earned your progress. 

Are you facing a roadblock? Perfect. It’s an opportunity to make your own path.

You’ve seen them. The ones who complain, who flinch at the sight of a heavy lift, who give up when the going gets tough. They won’t last. And that’s fine because they were never built for this. 

They don’t understand that strength isn’t just about physical power… it’s about mental resilience. It’s about having the ability to embrace the struggle because we KNOW that on the other side of it is something greater. 

Inveniam Viam Aut Faciam 

I will find a way or make one…

This is the mantra of those who understand that no one is going to hand you anything. The only way to the top is through embracing the grind. 

You don’t need comfort. 

You don’t need easy. 

You need the challenge, the push, the constant resistance – because that’s where growth happens. Both in the gym and in life.

So the next time you face a heavy lift or a hard decision – remember the mantra. 

Find a way, or make one. It’s what you were built for. It’s what separates you from the rest. You aren’t here to take the easy road. You’re here to carve your own… 

And that makes you stronger than any weight you’ll ever lift.

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go. Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.” – Winston Churchill

Editor’s Note: When it comes to busting through barriers – it takes more than just raw determination. You need the right tools. Same can be said for packing on muscle – you need the right tools. Which is why we offer the BYOS (Build Your Own Stack) feature on – it allows you to get up to 35% off as you get all the tools you need to pack on pounds of muscle. See how it works – try the BYOS and see how fun it is to break through barriers. Try it here.