The Lifter’s Disaster Survival Guide

Oct 12, 2024

By Shawn

When it comes to surviving a natural disaster – the basic needs of water, food and shelter are crucial. However, after the danger has passed – there are other things you NEED to do to. Stay safe… stay sane and thrive. What does the iron tribe do when the gyms are closed and there’s nothing by down time? Let’s get into this…

Well, it happened… again. 

Florida, the state in which I live, was walloped by Hurricane Milton – as the storm tore a path from Tampa to Cocoa Beach – leaving many in the direst of straits. 

I moved to Florida when I was 6-years-old – and I’ve experienced almost 20 of these storms in my lifetime – and that’s not even counting the tropical storms that threatened to form in the past 44 years. That’s a lot of preparation. 

The more you live through them – the more you know how to prepare for the storm and even more…

The aftermath. 

After the storm has passed and the cleanup is over – you may find yourself without power for WEEKS. There are a lot of downfalls to not having electricity…

No Power… No Problem? Yeah, Right! 

After Hurricane Charley in 2004 – I didn’t have power for 9 days during the dog days of Florida’s muggy summers. Let me tell you – not having AC when the nighttime temperatures are in the upper 80’s is absolutely MISERABLE. 

However, on the flipside – after Hurricane Wilma in 2005 – we experienced a cold front that made the lack of power almost pleasant. Like being on a camping trip. 

However, the worst part of it all – is the fact that you’re limited in your food choices. 

Many of those who lift – understand that the key to putting on size and muscle – comes from what we eat. Protein is absolutely critical when it comes to getting bigger – and when you lack the luxury of refrigeration, your choices of premium sources are limited. 

Meat? Well, if you have a cooler and access to ice. 

Dairy? Same… 

A lot of the time – you’re stuck with what you can store dry or buy at the store that day and cook on your grill that night. You can’t meal prep in any way – because you can’t store the food you need to eat. 

Nowadays, it seems that everybody has a generator of some kind… 

But let me tell you – back in the oughts – you bought just enough to get you buy every day. 

Feeding the Iron Tribe

So, what does somebody who values muscle and gains eat when their regular choices are limited? 

I’ll tell you – protein powder. 

You don’t need something “ice cold” to make or even enjoy protein powder. Mixing your favorite protein powder with water is how MANY people prefer to ingest protein shakes. Is it my favorite? No. I like mine with skim milk the best – but I’ve been known to use water when necessity arises. 

Another “dry” store food choice? 

Beef jerky. I can’t tell you how many bags of jerky I’ve gone through over the years – but this stuff is absolutely CLUTCH during a hurricane. And, it’s tasty too. Nothing beats teriyaki flavored beef jerky when you’re looking for a quick – but protein dense snack. 

Even better? You can make your own jerky if you have a dehydrator – so you can create your favorite flavor. 

Of course, you can always turn to the, errrhhh, canned meats – but I’ve got to admit, I’m not a fan. High in sodium and other chemical preservatives, canned meats will do in a pinch as well – but they’re last on the list. 

Training The Iron Tribe Without Weights

Another problem? Without power – a lot of gyms don’t open. However, it’s leg day and you’ve got to keep the gains going…

What do you do? Especially if you don’t have access to a commercial or sweet home gym? 

Well, the go to? Calisthenics. You can do a LOT with just your bodyweight. When it comes to the calisthenics – the key is going slow. The slower you go, the heavier the weight feels – even if that weight is just your own body. 

Go slow, with a full range of motion… 

I guarantee you’ll get an INCREDIBLE workout if you do this. There are people who stay in awesome shape just by doing calisthenics. They may not be the biggest guys in the room – but believe it or not – they’re some of the strongest. 

Another option? Make your own set of weights.

Leg day? Well, why not get behind that car you can’t find any gas for and push it up and down the block? 

Arm day? A couple of gallon jugs filled with water – or even a 5 gallon bucket and go to work! Jugs of water are incredible options – as the water makes it a little harder to handle and so you find yourself working your stability muscles in addition to the ones you’re focusing on. 

Also, with all the debris from fallen trees or demolished buildings – I’m sure you can find other things to lift and use to create a makeshift weight set. 

Staying Lean After The Storm

One of the hardest things to do after a hurricane? 

Stay lean. Why? Because during the build up to the storm – people panic – and buy whatever they can in the store. Meaning they tend to buy things like chips and other calorie snacks that are more for comfort and taste than nourishment. 

I can’t tell you how easy it is to nosh on snacks when you’re bored. Without power or anything to do – the chips, snack cakes and cookies seem to call to you… even when you’re not hungry. 

My hack? Don’t buy them. Sure, it’s easy to give into the pre-storm panic and buy everything you can find – but trust me – trash in, is worse than trash OUT. There are tons of healthier options to buy. Fruits and vegetables are just as good as chips and pretzels. 

Stay Safe… Stay SANE

And finally – how does one stay sane? 

Keeping to your regular routine is a great way to keep your head screwed on right. Go to bed and wake up at the same times you usually would. Keep to your workout schedule. If you’re supposed to be at the gym doing back – find a way to do some sort of back workout at that time. Don’t let your gains get left behind. 

Also, one of my favorite sanity savers is reading books. Find a few books in genres you enjoy and devour them. Odds are, you’re usually scrolling social media or streaming some show. 

So, take advantage of the quiet and relax with a good book. 

That’s how you survive one of these suckers…

Take it from a guy with similar goals that’s gone through it. 

“Adaptability is the simple secret of survival.” – Jessica Hagedorn

Editor’s Note: Do you have enough protein to survive a natural disaster? You can stock up today with our premium protein powders and ensure you and your gains – survive! Stock up on 100% WHEY, ISOFIT and MASS INFUSION and you’ll be ready for anything. Grab your supply here!