In an unofficial part 2 to our last article on physical strength – we look at the inverse to strength: weakness. Is weakness really that bad? Is there any virtue in it? Or is weakness the source of society’s problems? Let’s get into this…
I know…
These kinds of conversations tend to turn some people off.
By its very nature – and can be looked at as political…
But this isn’t a political discussion.
This is all about survival…
Because when it comes to the decisions that shape our world – when it comes to the decisions that can mean the difference between life and death – strength is a better guide than weakness.
Is weakness a problem in the 21st Century?
It’s probably not a question that people often think about – but we should – as the answer could shape our world going forward.
Honestly, strength and weakness – and their profound impact on our world – are often overlooked.
That being said…
Have you looked around lately?
It’s becoming evident that the decline of societies can – at least in part – be attributed to the diminishing physical prowess of its members.

In the previous article (you can read it here)…
We brought up the quote by G. Michael Hopf’s in his book, Those Who Remain. It goes:
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
It’s a quote that seems to become more and more true the further in the 21st Century we go – as there seems to be a LOT of weak men making terrible decisions.
Which isn’t even the WORST part…
Even worse than that is the fact strength – true strength – is being vilified.
If you’re strong – you’re a “Chad”…
You’ve got outdated views, a bully and probably have right-leaning views, YUCK!
It’s like the classic ideal for what a man is…
Has been flipped on its head.
Let’s take a look at why this is a BAD thing.
Is Weakness The Source of Society’s Problems?
Our country, our society, our very world – was built by strong men.

To not acknowledge the fact that physical strength – when cultivated and utilized properly – can be a formidable asset to both individuals and societies.
In ancient times – strong bodies were necessary for survival, protection, and advancement of your family, tribe or people…
Whether it was fending off threats, working in the fields or constructing cities – physical prowess contributed to the prosperity of communities.
It was this strength that CREATED our society…
While weakness was cut out.
Of course, it’s important to understand that physical strength is not an end in itself..
But a means to achieve higher purposes and protect the well-being of society.
In fact, it’s CRITICAL…
Modern Challenges and Physical Weakness
In our contemporary world – physical weakness has become increasingly prevalent due to sedentary lifestyles, poor food choices and an addiction to technology.
These factors have led to a decline in overall physical fitness…
Something that hampers our ability to tackle the challenges we face.
Physical weakness can manifest in various forms – such as decreased stamina, susceptibility to illness, and reduced resiliency when faced with a challenge.
Even worse…
It’s putting our country in danger – as the less able-bodied men we have – the less likely we’ll be able to turn away the wolves when they come snapping at our door.
Now, I realize having strength doesn’t mean you can fight…

In fact, for many, having strength often leads to a reliance on their size to thwart any threat – and so, often don’t learn to truly handle themselves in a physical altercation.
That strength DEFINITELY makes them harder to conquer – which would come in REAL handy if World War III pops off tomorrow.
There’s even worse effects of a weakened society that just leaving us exposed.
The Societal Ramifications of Weakness
When societies neglect the cultivation of physical strength – they become vulnerable to a range of adverse consequences.
Physical weakness not only impacts individual health…
But it also hampers collective progress.
As I mentioned, societies lacking physical fitness may find it difficult to withstand external threats from foreign invaders…
But that’s not the only danger.
Because economic, political, or environmental issues can bring a society to its knees even faster than war.
Moreover, physical weakness can undermine productivity, destroy morale and retard ambition…
It weakens the social fabric and creates a society that struggles to cope with the burdens of life.
When you don’t have strong leaders – you wind up OFF the path to prosperity.
Which is why strength should be coveted…
Because, again, when the wolves are at the door – proverbial or otherwise – you want a strong man ready to stand on the porch and say, “Who’s first, mother f**kers?”

But we need to reverse course…
Like now.
And here’s a step by step map on how to get us back on track.
The Four Pillars of Resilience
To counter the perils of physical weakness – we have to take action.
Accept the Nature Of All Things: Embrace the reality that there are things we cannot control…
And therefore – we shouldn’t waste energy TRYING to.
The same goes for human nature…
By acknowledging that physical strength is subject to change over time and accepting our limitations – we can better adapt and focus on what is within our control.
Practice Self-Discipline: For millennia, philosophers have emphasized self-discipline as a means to cultivate physical and mental strength.
Through a commitment to regular exercise, proper nutrition, and healthy habits – we can become an asset to those around us and society as a whole.
Take Virtuous Action: If strength is important to you…
Nothing should be more important than your character.
Your actions should align with your virtue – emphasizing the pursuit of excellence in everything you do.
By harnessing physical strength for the betterment of society – we can contribute to the collective progress and protect the well-being of our communities.
Forge The Mind-Body Connection: To truly cultivate strength…
You must recognize the interconnectedness of the mind and body.
You need to understand that a healthy body promotes a sound mind…
And by maintaining physical fitness – we enhance our mental clarity, emotional stability, and overall well-being.
As somebody on magic mushrooms might tell you: “It’s all connected.”

Is Weakness The Source of Society’s Problems?
Well, that answer isn’t as easy as it sounds…
Because on its own – a little weakness is GOOD for society.
Doctors and scientists tend to come from the lower end of the athletic pool…
And you can argue they’re MORE crucial to the survival of society than strong men.
Which is why we shouldn’t give out participation trophies…
So kids can understand that sports aren’t their forte at an early age – and they can start hitting the books ASAP – but that’s a conversation for another day.
The fact is – weakness is NOT the source of society’s problems…
As strength is dominant or as long as there’s balance between the two.
The moment that it dips into more weakness than strength…
That’s when the whole thing goes to pot.
Go against the mainstream.
Be strong…
Be an asset to society…
Or get the F**K out of the way.
“Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.” – Albert Einstein
Editor’s Note: Life is TOO freakin’ short to be weak. Why walk meekly among the masses – when you can leave a wake behind you? Now, you’re probably already strong – or at least on your way… we’re just here to offer our support and help. We have a VAST array of muscle builders to help keep you massive – and keep society rolling. From protein, to EAAs, to natural testosterone boosters – we’ve got what you need. Grab some (or all) for yourself by clicking HERE.