Build-A-Beast: A Hardcore Guide to Building a Massive Physique

Aug 03, 2023

By Shawn Ambrosino

Ready to turn heads and build yourself into a BEAST? This hardcore guide to building a massive physique has got you covered! It’s time to embrace the “Mass Monster” mentality and dominate the gym like it’s Tokyo and you’re Godzilla. Let’s get into this…

Ask anybody that gets into bodybuilding or training and they’ll tell you one of the worst things you can call them is “normal”. 

People don’t get into a fitness lifestyle to be normal. 

Sure, they want to be healthy…

But more often than not (yes, I understand that there are exceptions) – people want to LOOK good and stand apart from the crowd. 

Does this sound familiar? 

Are you tired of being called “average” or “normal”? 

Do you want to turn heads when you walk into a room and make everyone wonder what your secret is? 

Have you been training for years and not seeing results? 

Well, fear not, brothers and sisters in iron…

I got you. 

I’ve created a cheat sheet for you…

A “Cliffs Notes” on how to get f@#king HUGE – regardless of whether or not you’re a hardgainer or not. 

If you follow this guide…

You’re gonna grow. 

Your Hardcore Guide to Building a Massive Physique

Now, before we get started…

The only thing I ask is that if you choose to walk down this path – that you do so with the intention of following through. 

Because – like anything in life – if you’re going to half-ass it, you’re NOT going to see the results you want…

And I don’t want you coming back here and blaming me for your lack of gains.

We cool? 

Alight, let’s get into this…

Embrace the Mass Monster Mentality 🦍

Getting a big bulky physique requires more than just lifting weights… 

It demands an unshakable mindset. 

When I say that you need to embrace the “Mass Monster” mentality…

It means that I want you to be fearless, dedicated and RELENTLESS in your pursuit of gains. 

Do you think somebody like Ronnie Coleman or Big Ramy walk into a gym and care about anything but moving the most amount of weight for the most amount of reps as humanly possible? 

They do not…

They leave EVERYTHING outside the gym and when they’re training – they’re focused on putting on size and strength. 

I want you to have that same attitude. 

You don’t have to be chiseled and 290 pounds to be relentless in your training…

You just need to have that same mindset. 

So, channel your inner monster and let the iron know you mean business. 

Crush those weights as if they were your Tokyo office building under your radioactivated lizard’s gigantic foot.

Feast Like a Viking 🍗🍳

To fuel your gains – you need to eat like a hungry Viking on a raid in Northern England. 

If you want to get big – then you need to consume copious amounts of quality protein from sources like beef, chicken and eggs. 

However, it’s VERY hard to get all of your protein intake through natural food sources…

That’s why supplementing with protein powder is a MUST if you’re looking to build mass. 

Protein is what actually builds and repairs your muscle…

So, if you’re not getting enough – guess what? 

You’re not going to put on the kind of size that impresses people.

Your muscles demand sustenance…

And that means feasting on protein-packed food whenever you can. 

Does this mean you have to feast like a viking every night? 


But a lot of pro bodybuilders get up in the middle of the night to drink a protein shake – just to keep their muscles fed. 

Keep that in mind.

Unleash the Power of Creatine 💥

You want strength? 

You want power?

Do you want to lift heavy enough to truly put on size? 

Then look no further than the most researched supplement on the face of the planet…


This wonder nutrient can be your secret weapon to putting on mass. 

Creatine is one of the most effective supplements when it comes to putting on size…

It improves the entire metabolic process when it comes to your muscles. 

It helps increase muscle water content – and this increase (known as “cell volumization”) is believed to play a role in muscle growth and improved performance. 

Creatine also helps in ATP resynthesis – meaning it helps regenerate ATP – the fuel your cells use for energy. 

It does this… 

And MORE. 

If you’re not incorporating creatine into your life – you need to if you want to put on size. 

Sleep Like a Hibernating Grizzly 🛌🐻

The gains don’t happen solely in the gym…

In fact, they don’t happen in the gym at all. 

The work you do in the gym actually breaks your muscles down…

The gains come from the repair of those muscles – and that happens during those sacred hours of sleep and rest. 

Most people don’t look at their sleep habits as something that can lead to more size and strength – but it’s absolutely crucial. 

If you’re staying up all hours of the night – and not getting the requisite 7 to 8 hours of sleep…

You’re hindering your size potential. 

Put the phone down…

Stop scrolling through social media…

Become a hibernating grizzly and get your 8 hours of quality shut-eye. 

Let your muscles recover, repair and grow while you dream of conquering your next PR!

Surround Yourself with the Right Tribe 👥

There’s an old adage that is more true than it’s not…

And that’s that we are the combination of the 5 people we spend the most time with. 

Meaning, that your habits, traits, likes and dislikes – are shaped by 5 people you hang out with most. 

If you want to change your life…

Change your friends. 

Your friends – or your tribe – can make all the difference in your life…

And in the realm of hardcore training – your tribe can make or break you. 

Surround yourself with like-minded people who share your passion for greatness…

That also embrace your enthusiasm to improve yourself daily…

Because together – you’ll push each other to not only achieve your goals – but SMASH them. 

With the right friend group… 

You can accomplish anything. 

Your Hardcore Guide to Building a Massive Physique

So there you have it – my ferocious friends…

Your hardcore guide to building a massive physique is complete. 

You’re now equipped with all the tools you need to get as big as your genetics will allow. 

Train hard…

Eat right…

Get the right fuel…

Sleep hard…

Surround yourself with good people. 

It’s not rocket science, right? 

Now, the gym awaits and destiny beckons…

Get out there and show the world what you can do!

“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” – Pablo Picasso

Editor’s Note: While this guide is simple to follow – we know it’s not easy. You have to take control… all we can do is help you with the fuel. Protein is a must – if you’re not getting the protein you need – you won’t grow. BUT.. if you’re looking for a secret weapon for size – creatine is the ultimate super nutrient. Our CREATINE DRIVE is made from PURE creatine monohydrate – and will go a LONG way to helping you reach your goals. Grab some CREATINE DRIVE today – and be a f#$king beast tomorrow! 

Mass Makers
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