If you truly want to make an impression when you walk into a room – nothing gets more attention than a wide V-shaped taper from your shoulders to your waist. Even though being lean is great – it’s WAY more fun to MASSIVE shoulders – so, we compiled the best exercises from the biggest names in bodybuilding to create the ULTIMATE Shoulder Blaster workout. Let’s get into this…
We’re all blessed with some genetic gift or gifts…
Some of us are given the ability to get big quick… while others are given the ability to stay lean.
Apparently, one of my gifts was a wide frame…
My mother often tells people that I was born with these wide shoulders – which must have REALLY sucked for her.
People ask me all the time what I did to build my shoulders…
And all I can really do is shrug and let them know – I didn’t do anything.
“You’re asking the wrong person, buddy… if you want training tips for shoulders – ask the pros.”
The problem?
Since taking a position here at Nutrex – to a lot of people – I AM a pro.
So, I did the only thing somebody in my position CAN do…

When it comes to shoulders – or any other body part for that matter – I look at the pinnacle…
I look to the Mr. Olympias for guidance.
To win the most coveted prize in bodybuilding – you need to have a well-rounded and massive physique…
So who better to look towards than the best?
I did a deep dive into the training arsenals of some of the most popular Mr. Olympias of all time – namely Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dorian Yates, Jay Cutler, and Phil Heath…
I dissected their routines, philosophies and attitudes towards lifting and I’m about to unveil the ultimate shoulder blaster workout that might very well redefine the way you approach shoulder training.
Now, this isn’t just another run-of-the-mill shoulder routine…
No, this is your one-way-ticket to shoulder supremacy.
The ULTIMATE Shoulder Blaster Workout
Again, I’ve sifted through the wisdom and techniques of these elite athletes to concoct a workout that not only pays homage to their approaches but also infuses modern knowledge and science to give you a complete picture.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s pyramiding technique, Dorian Yates’ calculated compounds, Jay Cutler’s isolation mastery and Phil Heath’s focus on quality contractions – they’re all part of this ultimate shoulder blaster.
Whether you’re an aspiring bodybuilder, a fitness enthusiast or simply someone who’s tired of being mistaken for a coat hanger – this workout has something for you.
Now, as always, I preface these workout pieces by telling you the truth…
If you want gains – ANY kind of gains – you need to work for them.
It ain’t gonna be easy…
But nothing ever worth having really is easy, right?
Prepare to lift, sweat and maybe even BLEED as you start the process to turn your shoulders into BOULDERS…
But don’t blame me when people start asking YOU what your secret is after your shoulders start blowing up.
1. Pressing for Power
Start off strong with the classic seated military press.
Take a page from Arnold’s book and pyramid up your weights.
Begin with 2 sets of 12 reps with moderate weights.
Then, when you’re good warmed up – it’s time to get it.
Use a weight you’re comfortable with and push to dumbbell presses where you hit failure at about 10 reps.
Then hit again – this time for a weight where you can hit failure at around 8 reps.
Rest about two minutes between sets to fuel up for the next round.
Hard and heavy to start it off…

2. Raise the Roof
Next on the menu?
Dumbbell lateral raises.
This exercise will get your shoulders PUMPED…
However, it’s important to keep in mind that strict form is PARAMOUNT when it comes to this movement.
If you’re using any kind of momentum or herky-jerky movements – you’re cheating yourself out of why you’re doing it.
Be strict…
Get your deltoids firing by lifting lighter weights with impeccable form.
Perform 2 sets of 12 reps and then hit a heavy set of 8-10 reps that’ll leave your shoulders begging for mercy.

3. The ‘Delts for Days’ Dilemma
Dorian Yates was one of the most MASSIVE Mr. Olympia’s of all time…
And he swears by the Hammer Strength machine shoulder press.
If you don’t have this machine – look for another machine that isolates each side with a guided movement.
If you don’t have one of those – you can make due with a smith machine.
Hit 4 sets of 8-12 reps with moderate weight to ignite your front and side delts.
This compound movement will make you feel like you’re making REAL progress…
Or at the very least – following in the footsteps of a Mr. Olympia trophy.

4. Lateral Frenzy
It’s back to isolation.
Channel your inner Jay Cutler and let loose with dumbbell side lateral raises.
But not just any side lateral raises…
Find something to grab – and lean away from – and really isolate that deltoid muscle and get a greater range of motion.
Again, being strict is important here…
But instead of stopping the movement at your leg – the lean lets you get a deeper stretch at the bottom.
Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps to channel your inner Cutler and take your shoulders to a whole new level.

5. Forward March
Next – we’re moving to the front delts…
Grab a barbell and get those anterior delts working with barbell front shoulder raises.
This exercise will make your shoulders burn with the intensity of a 1,000 suns…
But just like with the lateral raises – you need to avoid using any momentum to get the weight up…
Strict movement – let your anterior delts do ALL the work.
This movement will help you master your core stability – and your biceps and wrists will thank you later.
Do 3 sets of 10 reps to make your front delts pop like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

6. Rear Delight
It’s really easy to forget that our shoulders have a back to them…
And Phil Heath’s wisdom teaches us to never ignore the rear delts.
If you want to rock truly massive shoulders…
You’ve gotta hit that back as hard as the front and sides.
One of the best exercises for the posterior delts is reverse pec deck flys.
If you want round shoulders – perform 3 sets of 12 reps with moderate intensity.

7. Cable Chaos
Time to finish strong…
While the reverse pec deck got your rear delts cooking – if you want impressive delts – you gotta FRY ‘em!
So, grab the rope attachment and give cable face pulls a try.
To perform these bad boys – it’s important to keep your biceps out of the mix – so make sure you palms are facing down…
If you’re doing them right – you’ll feel the burn in your upper back, rhomboids and trapezius.
To end this shoulder blaster workout – do 3 sets of 12 reps.
Grab you s#!t and head home…
Cause you’re done!

You Game?
There it is…
One of the most comprehensive shoulder workouts you’ll ever see.
You game to try it?
It’s not going to be easy…
It’s called “the ultimate shoulder blaster workout” for a reason.
However, if you want your shoulders to stand out…
If you want that V-shaped taper…
Then you’ll want to give this workout a try.
Or course…
You can always just do what you’ve always done.
How has that worked out so far?
If you’re still reading this – I’m betting you need to make a change and shake things up.
This is the best way to do that…
“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” – Isaac Newton
Editor’s Note: You want to build boulders for shoulders? This workout will help… but it’s only a piece of the puzzle. You’ve got to FEED the muscle if you want it to grow! So, feed it something it wants and something you’ll ENJOY. Our ISOFIT protein is some of the best tasting protein on the market. Bananas Foster will knock your socks off – and Cookies & Cream tastes like a dessert. Grab your favorite flavor today and watch them shoulders GROW!!