If you’re in your OFFICIAL bulking season right now – then you can disregard this message. However, if you find yourself in an “unintentional” bulking season when the holidays come around – then you need to hear these 3 tips on how to survive the holiday season with your gains intact. Let’s get into this…
Raise your hand if you get tired after eating Thanksgiving dinner?
Now, raise your hand if you think it’s the tryptophan in the turkey that’s making you drowsy enough to lay on the couch and watch football games you don’t care about?
Well, I’ve got a wake up call for you, fam…
It’s not the turkey that makes you sleepy – it’s the fact that you ate yourself into a carb coma after filling your belly with mashed potatoes, stuffing, marshmallow-topped sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie.
Don’t blame an amino acid for your sluggishness. Blame the fact that you went a little nuts and ate everything you wanted till you felt like your belly was going to explode.
Oh, and don’t forget – that late-evening Thanksgiving sandwich you’re going to make yourself before settling in for the night. You know the one – with the turkey, stuffing, mayo and cranberry sauce? Yeah.. you know what I’m talking about.

If this scenario sounds familiar (like it does to me) – don’t lose hope! You can avoid the dreaded added holiday poundage with these 3 tips on how to survive the holiday season without getting FAT!
Tip One: Prioritize Protein at Every Meal
Protein is your best friend during the holidays.
Not only does it keep you fuller for longer (or “more satiated”) – but it also helps preserve muscle mass while minimizing fat storage.
If you want to avoid putting on a ton of pudge when getting together with your friends and loved ones – start your meals with a lean protein source like turkey, chicken, or fish.
Filling your belly with protein first kills two birds with one stone…
First, it’s helping you stay on track with your growth and recovery. Getting that protein ensures that you’re feeding your muscles what they need to keep them gains on point.
Secondly, when you hit the dessert table – you’ll naturally feel less tempted to overdo it because you’re already satisfied. It’s a lot harder to grab 3 pieces of pie when you’ve got a bunch of turkey taking up room in your gullet.

Plus, the bonus of prioritizing protein above all? It has a higher thermic effect than other food sources – meaning your body burns more calories digesting it compared to carbs or fats.
So, make protein priority number ONE.
Tip 2: Use the “One-Plate Rule”
The holidays are filled with endless food options – and it’s easy as pie (see what I did there?) to go overboard.
You want to make it through the season without becoming a big, fat boombalati? Stick to one plate per meal. I know that’s not ideal. I know how good all the food looks – and tastes – but if you show a little discipline…
It’ll go a LONG way.
Here’s a sample plate if fat isn’t your friend: Fill half your plate with veggie, one-quarter with protein – and leave the last quarter for the treats you want most.

This strategy lets you indulge JUST enough in your favorites to give you a little satisfaction – without turning the holiday spread into an all-you-can-eat buffet…
And science shows that there is a decline in “food happiness” after the 3rd bite anyway – so limit the sweet stuff.
Look for balance… not over-indulgence.
Tip 3: Stay Active and Strategize Your Workout Timing
Did you hear that?
Don’t skip workouts during the holidays!

In fact, if you want to set yourself up for success – it’ll benefit you to plan a strength or HIIT session before your big meals. Why? When you exercise – your muscles become more insulin-sensitive – which means your body is primed to store calories as glycogen in your muscles rather than as fat.
Even something as simple as a brisk 20-minute walk after a meal can make a difference by helping stabilize blood sugar levels and encouraging fat-burning.
So, don’t skip ANY workouts during the holidays… ESPECIALLY leg days!
A Bonus Tip On How To Survive The Holiday Season
Believe it or not – it’s easy to confuse thirst with hunger.
You want to combat fat storage over the next month and a half? Then drink a glass of water before meals and in between indulgent treats to avoid overeating.
Sometimes all you need is hydration – not another cookie.
My strategy? Keep my water bottle full of EAA+ HYDRATION all day on the big holidays – not only will it keep you hydrated and feeling full – but EAA’s help speed up muscle protein synthesis…

Which means you’re getting a head start on your gains as it works synergistically with all the turkey or ham you’re about to eat.
With these strategies – you can enjoy the holiday season, indulge in some of your favorite seasonal treats and keep your progress on track.
Remember, consistency over time matters more than one or two indulgent meals…
Keep your eye on the prize, peeps…
Unless you’re in bulking season – if that’s the case – I envy you.
For the rest of us – let’s keep it together.
“What every man seeks is satisfaction. He deceives himself so long as he imagines it to lie in self-indulgence.” – Woodrow Wilson
Editor’s Note: Want to survive the holiday season? Maybe you should try Shawn’s trick of keeping EAA+ HYDRATION by your side throughout the day. If so, you can grab yours NOW! If you’re reading this during our BLACK FRIDAY sale – you’ll get at 35% off! So, grab your EAA+ HYDRATION now – and fight that holiday weight gain! Shop now.