Why isn’t andropause (male hormone decline) as talked about as menopause (female hormone decline)? Because the symptoms of andropause are often just attributed to aging. Low energy, loss of muscle mass, increase in fat and bedroom confidence in men is just… expected and also how I knew I had low-T. But it doesn’t have to be. Let’s get into this…
Andropause doesn’t get much fanfare, does it?
You don’t see it written about much in magazines or online articles – but the fact is – I think you could make the case that low-T may be the #1 killer of men… in a round-about way.
We all know the symptoms of low-T: decreased energy levels, decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, depression and lack of performance in the bedroom.
Now, the simple fact is if you’re tired and lack drive and motivation – the fact is – you’re not going to take care of your health as much as if you’ve got enough energy to hit the gym multiple days a week.
If you’re depressed – odds are that you’re not going to really care what you eat. You’ll opt for convenience rather than what’s best for you – often leading to increased fat deposits and worse – internal health problems.
The bedroom becomes a place for sleep – not… “fun”. It’s not that you can’t – but often – you just don’t want to.
How do I know this?
Because I lived it.
Yes, I’ve dealt with low-T for the past 20 years of my life – and I’m going to tell you how I got there – and how I pulled myself out of the dark abyss.
How I Knew I Had Low-T
I can remember the moment that I KNEW I had low-T…
I was 32-years-old and I was watching TV with my wife – when a commercial came on. It was a Hallmark card commercial – something I’d seen 100 times and didn’t even think twice about it – but this time was different. As I was sitting there, I started tearing up. The next thing I knew… I was crying.
My wife looked over at me and asked me if I was actually crying. I nodded my head and looked at her – and she wasn’t looking at me as if this was sweet – she was looking at me as if she were concerned. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
“I don’t know…” I replied.
But, I sort of knew. I went to the doctor a few days later and had my blood checked. I got a call a few days after that from the same doctor, “Shawn, I see the problem. Your testosterone levels are at 57… that’s less than most women. I need you to come in and talk about your options.”
And that’s what I did. At 32-years-old, after trying to turn my testosterone production back on (and failing) – I started HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) – and haven’t stopped since.
How I Got Into This Mess
Now, I had low-T – but it wasn’t some genetic issue… it was a problem of my own making. During my time as a professional wrestler – I got hurt… a lot. My joints and muscles ached. So, I did what all my peers around me were doing – got on the sauce.
I was always big – so I didn’t need something to make me get strong – I needed something to help me recover. So, I got on Deca-Durabolin for its anti-inflammatory benefits – and stayed on it. Nobody told me to cycle off – I had no medical guidance – I had bros who talked bro-science to me. So, I stayed on Deca for over a year.
It was that decision that turned off my body’s own testosterone production. It was the only “illegal” drug I did – but it changed me for life.
Now, I NEED to be on HRT just to be “normal” – my weekly shots keep me floating around 600 (which is much better than 57) – but it’s nothing that’s going to put me on stage next to C-Bum.
And to be honest…
I hate that I have to do this. Weekly shots – just to be “normal”. And, to throw even more honesty out there – I don’t feel “normal”. I still experience the symptoms of andropause. And the older I get – the more I feel them.
I needed something more…
Making Me… MORE
Now, my weekly shots make me feel “normal” – but I don’t want to feel normal – I want to feel better.
So, I did what anybody in my position would do – I did some research. I did a little searching on my own – and a lot of asking questions by those that KNOW – meaning the VP of Nutrex himself, Chris Waldrum.
Chris gave me a few tips…
Like Bulbine Natalensis – which has been shown to increase testosterone levels by 346%…
Or the most powerful form of Ashwagandha… Shoden® Ashwagandha – which not only helps boost testosterone, but also helps you manage cortisol – the stress hormone. High cortisol can lead to all kinds of health problems as well as weight gain.
So, I started taking our T-UP MAX (even though it doesn’t have any of these ingredients) – and over the last month, I’ve actually felt like I’ve had more energy. I’m also sleeping better – which is a HUGE improvement…
But what I was REALLY waiting for was ALPHA-T MAGNUM – which not only has all of these ingredients – it also has Fadogia Agrestis and Shilajit – two ingredients that have been shown to help optimize testosterone.
It just dropped this week – and I can’t wait to get mine. If I’m feeling better on T-UP MAX – then I foresee myself feeling AMAZING with ALPHA-T MAGNUM.
A Long (And Sometimes Dark) Road
From the first time I knew I had low-T till today has been a journey, that’s for sure.
There have been decisions I made along the way that I would have changed – that’s for sure – but because I can’t change the past…
I’m only going to look to the future.
The feedback we’ve gotten already on ALPHA-T MAGNUM has been beyond expectations – and I truly can’t wait to share my experience of it with you.
One thing you can expect for sure – will be my 100% pure honest opinion. I won’t bullshit you guys. More importantly, I share Chris’s and everybody else’s vision at Nutrex…
We want to help people be better – and if my feedback can help you get better – then I’ve done my job.
Until next time…
“The true voyage of discovery is not a journey to a new place; it is learning to see with new eyes.” – Marcel Proust
Editor’s Note: Yes! ALPHA-T MAGNUM has just released – and is already turning out to be one of our most popular formulas ever. With research-backed ingredients that have shown to help optimize testosterone levels – it’s more than a test-booster – it’s a life-changer! Grab a bottle for yourself and feel the difference – get your ALPHA-T MAGNUM here.