Interconnectivity is the KEY to fitness – as there is no ONE thing that guarantees you’ll reach your fullest potential. If you want PEAK performance – you have to do it all.
It’s ALL connected, man…
It’s all one.
Now… I don’t mean to sound like your buddy who’s tripping on ‘shrooms here.
I’m not trying to make some metaphysical point…
Though, I’m sure that argument can be made (both when it comes to the body AND the universe – but that’s a talk for another day).
No, I’m talking about unlocking your full potential…
The full package…
The final form.
It’s all connected…

Meaning that you can’t rely on just one of the four pillars of complete health and fitness.
What are the four pillars?
While that’s up for debate – I think the case can be made that the 4 pillars are: strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and balance.
Each one represents a different aspect of the overall fitness picture…
And without one – the other three are all but useless.
Interconnectivity Is The KEY To Fitness
If you want to look your best…
If you want to feel your best…
You can’t focus on just one – you need to develop EACH of the four pillars if you’re going to have sturdy structure.
I think we can all agree – that being physically fit is essential for maintaining good health and wellbeing…
It not only improves our body – but also improves our mind.
Without it – our cognitive function deteriorates – DECREASING our overall quality of life.
However, the definition of “physically fit” can often be subjective…
What one person views as the pinnacle of physical development – another finds revolting.
However, if we were to use the metrics of the world’s best athletes – we’d see that achieving optimal fitness requires more than just focusing on one of the four pillars…
Instead – we find that it requires a more holistic approach that keeps the INTERCONNECTEDNESS of these four pillars in mind.

But here’s the secret…
What we find is – that by making improvements on one of the four pillars is that improvement can be felt across the other 3.
For example – improving cardiovascular endurance through regular aerobic exercise can ALSO increase muscular strength and endurance, improve flexibility and reinforce balance.
Similarly – resistance training not only promotes muscular strength…
But it can also improve bone density, cardiovascular endurance and joint stability.
You Can’t Strengthen Just ONE Pillar
The importance of fitness interconnection to overall fitness cannot be overstated…
However, focusing on just ONE pillar of the fitness temple – can lead to imbalances or worse: potential injury.
For example – if you only focus on building muscular strength and neglect cardiovascular endurance – you may struggle with activities that require extended physical exertion.
This is probably why you don’t see a lot of bodybuilders running marathons…
Not saying they CAN’T – just saying – you don’t see a lot of them in footage of the Boston Marathon.
Though, in the same respect – you don’t see a bunch of triathletes compete in powerlifting…

Their focus is too niche for there to be any overlap.
That being said – if someone only focuses on aerobic exercise and neglects resistance training…
They may be more prone to injury due to weaker muscles, tendons and ligaments.
That’s why athletes who put performance above all else design a well-rounded fitness program should include components of cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength (and endurance), flexibility and balance.
This means incorporating a variety of exercises and activities that help build up each of these pillars we’ve been talking about.
One of the problems?
We tend to get “stuck” in our ways…
Don’t Be LAZY!
We tend to find the path that we think works for us.
But here’s the problem with that…
And you’re not going to like this, but: it’s the LAZY way.

It’s usually the way that’s “just enough” to keep you INCHING towards your goals…
But not enough to actually achieve them in any kind of timely manner.
And I get it – nobody likes change…
But sometimes it’s needed.
Not to sound cliche, but – most growth happens outside of our comfort zone…
That’s not just a motivational sign your mom found at Hobby Lobby – it tends to be the truth.
It’s by expanding our boundaries that we find ways to reach our true fitness potential…
And one way you can do that is by exploring different types of exercise and/or activities.
Trying new workouts can be an excellent way to challenge your body in different ways…
But it can also help prevent boredom and even help overcome plateaus.
A few years ago – I hurt my lower back. It happens, right?
Well, I couldn’t lift – I couldn’t train jiu jitsu – I couldn’t do anything really…
Until a friend suggested I try a form of yoga called Raja (some people know it as “Yin” yoga).

Raja is all on the ground – and you simply hold the poses.
It was life changing…
It helped with my flexibility, obviously – but it also helped with my strength too – as my muscles seemed to gain length that they didn’t have before.
I haven’t been back since the pandemic – but that’s more due to my available time than anything.
However, if a new workout isn’t your cup of tea…
Maybe a different activity?
Get RAD… Or At Least Just Get Outside
Again, not to sound like some Hobby Lobby sign – but adding a little hiking, biking, dancing, or swimming can be an enjoyable way to improve fitness…
While also getting you out in the fresh air.
The experts talk about how this also helps get you out there socializing with others…
But that’s not my bag man – I’m a one man wolf pack, baby – but that doesn’t mean I don’t see the value in adding one of these activities to the arsenal.
Myself? I like to get outside and go skateboarding.

I get it – the imagery of an ALMOST 50-year-old, ALMOST 300 pound man – skateboarding is HILARIOUS…
But I found the secret to happiness a few years ago and I’m sticking to it.
Wanna know the secret?
What made 10-year-old you, 13-year-old you, 15-year-old you happy – will make you happy NOW.
Doesn’t mean you’ve got to be immature…
But I guarantee – a lot of the stuff that made you happy as a kid – makes you happy now.
So, that’s why I skate…
Or ride my bike…
Or go surfing (the perks of living in Florida, bro)!
These types of activities – as well as the “regular” kind – also help support the pillars of fitness – especially cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and balance.
Bottom line…
Fitness interconnection is vital to overall fitness – and finding new ways to stay fit is essential for maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle…
While also helping maintain good mental health.
Incorporating a variety of exercises and activities that help bolster the four pillars of fitness – can help prevent imbalances and potential injury…
Statistically giving you a better shot at a longer and healthier life.

Even more…
Trying new exercises and participating in new recreational activities can make your fitness journey more enjoyable.
Trust me – take a more holistic approach to your health and fitness…
It’ll change your life!
“The more complex the network is, the more complex its pattern of interconnections, the more resilient it will be.” – Fritjof Capra