With marijuana going mainstream – strength, endurance and performance athletes alike are smoking the herb – but is marijuana beneficial… or harmful for fitness?
What’s up, wake and bakers…
For all you whacky tobaccy fans out there – today we’re going to talk about your herb of choice: Cannabis.
Of course, there’s a LOT of names that this medicinal plant is referred to: reefer, pot, smoke, Mary Jane, herb, ganja, puff, the devil’s lettuce…
I’m sure there’s a lot of other ones I’m missing – but I’m not a partaker – so cut me some slack.
Not that I’m against it…
On the contrary – I think in moderation – weed can be beneficial for a lot of people…
Just not for me.
I’ve tried it a handful of times – and each and every time – I’ve gotten so paranoid that I wasn’t able to relax… at all.
And before you say, “You just haven’t tried the right strain” – know that a few of my friends are cannabis connoisseurs – and I’ve tried the different strains…
It’s just not for me.

But just because it’s not for me…
Doesn’t mean it’s not for you.
However, for those of you who are fitness-minded or have some physique for fitness goals you’re trying to reach – the question is:
Is it good for you?
Well… let’s dig into it, shall we?
Dude… Relax
Now, we all know the stereotype of a pot smoker…
They’re often portrayed as someone who lacks motivation and simply lounges on a sofa, surrounded by snacks while making “stoner” observations about the world around them…
I think the best depiction of this “weedhead” is Brad Pitt in True Romance.
If you know the movie and you know HEAVY smokers – then you know it’s pretty effin’ accurate.
However, social psychologist – Angela Bryan – wrote that she had concerns about cannabis use and the increased appetite and relaxation could lead to health issues – especially obesity.
However, when you look at the actual data – research shows the opposite…
Nationwide US studies indicate that cannabis users have a lower incidence of obesity compared to non-users.
And this fact piqued Bryan’s interest – and so she conducted a study on the exercise habits of over 600 cannabis users in states where the drug is legal.
Can you guess what she found?
4 out of 5 respondents reported using marijuana before or after exercising – and these users spent MORE time exercising than those who did not use cannabis.
Now, one might attribute that to forgetfulness or lack of focus…
But no evidence points to that directly.

Despite this one small study… there really is only limited scientific research on the effects of cannabis on exercise due to federal restrictions…
So, researchers are relying on surveys and anecdotal evidence to explore the biological mechanisms involved – which means we need to take all results with a grain of salt.
That being said…
Bryan’s survey turned up other interesting information that could help you decided if you should toke up before and/or after a session.
I Dig It
Another fascinating fact her study revealed was that around 70% of respondents who used cannabis before working out – actually found exercise to be MORE enjoyable…
And while people might say that using Mary Jane makes ANY activity more fun – Bryan suggests that there are specific chemical interactions at play when it comes to exercise.
The feeling of euphoria experienced during a “runner’s high” – which is attributed to the release of endorphins in the brain – might actually originate in the endocannabinoid system.
Bryan speculates that since cannabis targets these same receptors – it could enhance those euphoric feelings during exercise.

While there is no direct evidence to support this claim – she notes that people report enjoying exercise with cannabis – which creates a positive feedback loop that motivates them to continue exercising.
That’s not all.
Bryan also suggests that cannabis could aid in exercise recovery…
As 77% of those same fitness-minded respondents who use weed surveyed – report that it helps with recovery.
While controlled studies on cannabis and recovery are lacking, to say the least…
Bryan explains that cannabis might modulate the inflammation caused by intense physical activity.
The non-psychoactive component of cannabis – CBD – has been shown to suppress pro-inflammatory cytokines and limit soreness…
While THC – the psychoactive part of cannabis – can stimulate both pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines…. which could both prevent pain and discomfort.

Not only that – THC might also help manage pain – which could further boost recovery.
But Bryan isn’t the only person studying the effects of cannabis and fitness…
Bro… I Can TOTALLY Do That
Whitney Ogle – a physical therapist and cannabis researcher at Humboldt – is also studying its effects on sports performance.
She conducted a survey of 126 people that found cannabis was used before a wide range of physical activities – 55 in total – including archery and waterskiing.
Along with increased enjoyment – the Humboldt survey respondents reported that cannabis improved their focus, concentration, and mind-body awareness – effects that elite athletes have also reported.

However, scientists have not yet identified why this happens…
Ogle’s survey also revealed that around 40% of respondents experienced negative effects after combining cannabis and exercise – such as elevated heart rate and feeling too high to continue the workout.
In 2018, researchers at McMaster University in Canada searched for studies of marijuana’s effect on athletic performance and found only THREE small studies.
Two of the studies had participants exercise before and after smoking cannabis….
While the third was merely observational.
The studies mostly reported no difference or negative effects in areas such as workout times, heart rate, and blood pressure…
With the exception of a study involving 24 participants that found an increase in forced exhalation.
Based on the small sample size and quality of the studies – which used marijuana containing only 1-2% THC compared to recreational levels in the US averaging 12% in 2014…
The authors concluded that the “effects of marijuana on athletic performance remain unclear.”
Should you smoke up before your next session?
Light It Up… Or Nahhh?
That remains to be seen…
I think it’s an individual choice.
While most of the evidence is anecdotal at best…
I think there may be some benefits to using reefer – regardless of your fitness or physique goals.
In the BJJ community – marijuana use is WIDESPREAD…
A lot of practitioners feel like they’re more “creative” when rolling high.
In fact – there’s an ENTIRE tournament called “High Rollers” – where competitors smoke a doobie together before the match – and then get to trying to submit each other…
It’s fascinating.

So, to bring this horse home…
If you like to smoke and have been worried about how you would perform in the gym – it seems like the data suggests you’ll be more than fine.
Of course – everybody’s different, right?
You may try it and not like it or vice versa…
If you do – do us all a favor and try not to pass out on the incline bench, please… it tends to be frowned upon.
Until next time…
“Never give up the ganja.” – Morgan Freeman
Editor’s Note: Man… who’d have thunk it, huh? Cannabis may be a HUGE benefit for some when it comes to training. The biggest surprise was that they trained LONGER while using it… that shocked me a little – but it got me thinking: if they’re training longer – are they staying adequately hydrated?
Sure, “cotton mouth” is a real side effect of smoking – but if they’re training longer – they may want something that will not only keep them hydrated… but ensure they’ve got the right fuel for their muscles. EAAs + HYDRATION may be the PERFECT product for partakers of the devil’s lettuce – as it will keep their muscles flushed with the nutrients they need to lift or train longer than normal. In fact – even if you don’t smoke – EAAs + HYDRATION could help fuel you for your most intense workouts… grab your supply of today!