When it comes to changing your body – you can’t always go by what the mirror or the scale shows you. You have to TRUST the process… and focus on progress – not perfection.
What is it with the wiring of humans that makes us want instant gratification?
Have we always been this way?
Or is this something that’s a new development in our evolution?
We’re told that patience is a virtue…
Yet, very few of us are able to practice it.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when you’re waiting at a light – and the car behind you starts honking the MOMENT the light turns green…
I try to be a man of peace – but if you do this to me – you’re getting the middle finger.
Not just in the rear view mirror – but out the window.
When I had my Honda’s and had sunroofs – I would stick that sucker right out the top – and keep it up for as long as the person was behind me.

But I’ve changed…
I pull it back after a few seconds now.
But seriously…
Why can’t humans be more patient?
I ask – because it’s been a few weeks since I started my journey to abs at 50…
And I’m finding the waiting process maddening.
It seems like I should just be able to do the work and the results show based on that work…
But that’s not the case when it comes to weight and fat loss.
Well, at least for me…
Trust The Process…
What comes fast for me is weight and size.
As soon as I start eating and lifting semi-heavy – weight, size and strength begin to show almost immediately.

I’m sure there are people who are envious of that…
But I’d trade a little of what I had for the ability to take weight off a little faster.
It’s been a little over a month since I started the process…
And while I’m not burnt out or anything – the fact is – I want faster results.
I’m doing everything I’m supposed to…
I’m eating clean – even getting my meals from a meal prep service…
Training consistently – twice a day – with the first session being fasted cardio…
Getting more sleep…
I’m supplementing…
I’m doing everything I’m supposed to – and I just can’t see the results I thought I should.

I know I have to keep in mind that I’m getting older. I’ll be 50 in June – and I realize that it may take a little more work and take a little longer to reach my goals.
That’s cool…
I get that – but sometimes I don’t feel like I’m going to see ANY of the results that I want – that’s because I can only see my flaws.
Here’s the picture I first showed you guys (be kind…😬😬😬):

Now, I can definitely see the OUTLINE of some abs… but barely – I see the pudge more than anything…
And I’m sure you do too.
Now, as I said, I don’t see much progress – but then again…
I’m going off the mirror.
For many of us – all we see are the flaws.
So, last night – I decided to take another picture…
Again, no comments from the peanut gallery:

Now, to me – these pictures are the same thing…
But upon closer inspection – is that really the case?
Or are my insecurities preventing me from really seeing any progress…
Well let’s take a closer look by putting them side by side:

Well, when I see them next to each other – I can definitely see… well, improvement.
In the newer picture – I can see that my faint ab outline has become a little deeper…
I can also see less protrusion from my gut…
And just an overall improvement on overall tightness.
I’m FAR from even SNIFFING my goals…
But when looking at these two pics side by side – I can see that I HAVE made progress – and that’s enheartening.
Progress… NOT Perfection
When I teach my jiu jitsu students a new move – and they’re having trouble…
I tell them not to beat themselves up and remind them of one of the most truthful mantras I’ve ever come across…
“Progress… not perfection.”

That’s because most of us don’t see the progress…
Because we don’t see perfection.
That’s a mistake…
We need to see that even though we haven’t reached “perfection” – the fact that we’ve made progress proves that we CAN meet our goals.
Don’t Fall In The Trap!
Because if we don’t…
That’s where the wheels fall off.
We let that doubt creep in…
“You’re never going to get abs – you might as well just stop right now and eat one of your favorite comfort meals… that’ll make you feel better.”
That voice is a MOTHER f*%$#er…
Don’t listen to it.
That’s your brain trying to talk you into sitting on the couch rather than going to gym.
Your brain craves comfort…
Because the brain is greedy. It want’s ALL the energy – and so it tries to get you into a comfortable position so that all of that precious energy gets diverted to your brain matter – rather than fueling your muscles.
But it gets harder and harder to tell that voice to “F*%K OFF” when you don’t think you’re making any progress…
Even though you are.
Even when you can’t SEE it…
You’re making progress.

I promise – doing ANYTHING is better than doing nothing…
Put the idea of perfection in your back pocket – focus on progress.
No matter how small…
Because it’s the small victories that win the war.
Until the next update, Nutrex Fam…
Big Shawn… OUT!
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” – Frederick Douglass
Editor’s Note: Shawn is right… progress is more important than perfection. It’s hard waiting for results, though… right? Well, it IS possible to speed up the process. If you’re trying to shed pounds – you can see more results FASTER – by bringing LIPO-6 BLACK into the equation. BLACK is one of the most powerful fat burners on the planet… and if you need to look better QUICK – then LIPO-6 BLACK can help. Grab your supply today!