On a long enough timeline – any dedicated gym rat will wind up with some kind of injury that forces them to take time away from training. Whether it’s muscle strains or tendon tears – odds are – you’ve either had one, are dealing with one or WILL deal with one in the future… but you don’t have to. Research has shown us there may be an answer to our prayers – as glutamine may be the secret to staying injury free. Let’s get into this…
Which are you?
Have you had a muscle or tendon injury? Are you dealing with one? Or are you waiting for one to happen?
I’m in camps A and B – as I have already had more than my fair share of gym injuries…
And I’m in the middle of dealing with one.
Lucky me, right?

Now, before you start preaching about “poor form” and “lighter weight” – understand that I don’t lift heavy – as I’m a STICKLER for form and only care about NOT losing what I got…
I don’t need to get any stronger, so… go bark up somebody else’s tree.
When I get injured – I generally just chalk it up to wear and tear. I’ve been lifting a LONG time – I’m sure a LOT of my parts are on borrowed time…
So, when one goes – as disappointing as it is – it’s expected.
But it’s been getting to a point that I’m getting tired of it happening – so, I decided to take my fate into my own hands and see if there isn’t anything out there that can help me stay healthy…
And there is.
I found it in the most unexpected places…
Right in front of my face.
Glutamine May Be The Secret To Staying Injury Free
Yes, that’s right…
Glutamine may be the secret to keeping your body injury free.
I mean… at least that’s what the research shows.
So, let’s dive in and talk about this unsung hero and its somewhat exaggerated role as the miracle worker in the world of health and recovery.
Now, I’m sure by now that you’ve heard of glutamine…
It’s an abundant amino acid in the body – that plays a critical role in various bodily functions such as antioxidant production, gastrointestinal health, immune support and, you guessed it…
Injury healing.

Now, glutamine occurs naturally in our body’s – and if you’re a fan of protein-dense foods…
Odds are – you’re already hosting a glutamine party inside your body.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t use more…
Because the research show that when your body is under attack from illness, injury or just plain old stress – it craves more glutamine.
Yes, our body’s are going through high-stress events…
Glutamine becomes “conditionally essential”.
So.. How Does It Work?
Like all amino acids…
Glutamine’s job is hard to explain – because it wears so many hats when it comes to taking care of your body.
Glutamine steps in when you’re hurt or sick – as it enhances wound healing and boosts immune support – all while acting like your body’s personal handyman.
One of its primary goals is in repairing your gut…
Which, let’s be honest – probably needs some TLC after a weekend of watching playoffs and eating some of the worst foods imaginable.
Supplementing with glutamine could be the fastest way to getting your fitness back on track…
Starting with the gut.

There are some schools of thought that say your whole body is controlled by your gut health…
So, if that’s true – then whenever you’re feeling sick, tired, run down or injured – you should probably look to add a little more glutamine to your diet.
Does that mean that popping glutamine supplements will magically stitch up your wounds and ward off every germ in a ten-mile radius?
Of course not…
But it can quicken the process – and create a pretty strong fortress that repels sickness like Captain America’s shield repels bullets.
Bodybuilders swear by it…
But let’s face it – they’d probably swear by anything that promises more muscle and quicker recovery.
However, there’s no denying the science…

In summary, glutamine is like that overhyped movie – good, but not always worth the price of admission. It’s an important part of the healing process, but it’s not the lone ranger it’s often made out to be. So, before you start guzzling glutamine supplements, maybe check if your body’s already throwing its own glutamine fiesta.
Is Glutamine The Secret To Staying Injury Free?
The short answer?
The research looks promising – but isn’t settled yet.
While glutamine has its merits in the healing process – it’s not the “cure all” it’s sometimes hyped up to be.
It plays a crucial role in certain physiological functions, for sure…
And while the body usually produces enough glutamine on its own – getting more of it wouldn’t hurt.

Think of it as more spackle – filling in the cracks that our body’s miss.
If it aids in recovery and boosts your immunity…
It can’t hurt.
Try some…
See if it doesn’t make a difference.
“If you restore balance in your own self, you will be contributing immensely to the healing of the world.” – Deepak Chopra
Editor’s Note: If you want to add some glutamine to your routine – then you may want to grab some GLUTAMINE PURE. We use only the best and purest form of L-Glutamine you can find – and if it does HALF of what the science says it can do – it’s worth it to give it a try. Grab your supply of GLUTAMINE PURE by clicking here.