S.A.I.S. Mass-Building Routine

Jan 31, 2019

By Jeff McCarrell

Anyone who wants to build a substantial amount of muscle in the shortest possible time must follow a carefully designed, methodical program based on undisputed scientific facts. This most certainly applies to the design of the training program. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of athletes have no idea what constitutes a truly effective workout, and thus make little or no progress. One look inside the gyms confirms this fact and reveals a bleak situation: Almost everybody works out totally unproductively without any effective plan.

However, with the necessary scientific knowledge properly applied, you can force your body to gain an enormous amount of muscle within a few short weeks, as demonstrated by the impressive results of test athletes who faithfully followed the S.A.I.S Training Program, recently developed by the Nutrex Research Group. The S.A.I.S. (Specific Adaption to Imposed Stress) Training Principle is the result of years of research that focused in detail on all physiological parameters of muscle cell growth.

The underlying thought behind the S.A.I.S. Principle is that muscle cells consist of three components that must all be stimulated simultaneously to achieve maximum cell growth. It is important to understand that these individual components vary greatly from one another and possess highly specific characteristics. Each of these three individual components responds differently to weight training, i.e., a special training method is needed to stimulate maximum growth of each component within the muscle cell.

The 3 Components Of The Muscle Cell

In order to be able to fully grasp the idea of the S.A.I.S. Training Principle, it is necessary for the reader to become familiar with the three individual components of the muscle cell and their characteristics. This is vital to ensure that once the training program is being put together, all three muscle cell components are thoroughly and completely targeted.

  1. Fast-twitch white muscle fibers: The fast-twitch white muscle fibers primarily consist of myofibrils, and contain a great number of nerve bundles. This means that this type of muscle is used exclusively during heavy, brief, and explosive training. The fast-twitch white muscle fibers respond to a properly designed training with hypertrophy, i.e., a thickening of the muscle fiber and a related increase in myofibrils and nerve bundles. This means, that bodybuilders should use extremely heavy weights to perform a maximum of six reps to the point of muscle failure. The reps are performed in a powerful, explosive style, while pausing briefly for about a second between each individual rep in the extended arm or leg position. A 5-minute rest should be taken between the individual sets due to the heavy weights and the maximum effort. This ensures that the fast-twitch white muscle fibers have mostly recovered and can again be stressed with maximum force in the subsequent sets. The pump is of secondary importance here.
  2. Intermediate muscle fibers: The intermediate muscle fibers likewise consist of myofibrils and nerve bundles, but in considerably fewer number compared to the fast-twitch white muscle fibers. The intermediate muscle fibers have more mitochondria, which are responsible for cell respiration and ATP production. The intermediate muscle fibers have therefore greater endurance than the fast-twitch white muscle fibers, but their strength potential is lower. To stimulate growth in the intermediate muscle fibers, the workout should consist of 10 reps per set with medium weights. Again, each set should be carried to the point of muscle failure. The reps in this case should not be performed explosively, but rather at a normal, moderate speed, with only a short pause in the extended arm and leg position between the individual reps. A 3-minute rest between sets is sufficient here.
  3. Slow-twitch red muscle fibers: The slow-twitch red muscle fibers also consist of myofibrils that hypertrophy as response to proper training and grow in width. The big difference between these and the other two types of muscle fibers is that the slow-twitch red muscle fibers have access to a lot of mitochondria and myoglobin. Capillarization and perfusion in the slow-twitch red muscle fibers is thus the most pronounced, which means that the slow-twitch red muscle fibers have the highest endurance of all three types of muscle fibers. The slow-twitch red muscle fibers respond best to high numbers of repetitions and constant muscle tension. The weight used for this is of secondary importance. Ideal are 20 reps performed at a slow and steady pace. It is important not to have any pause between the individual reps in the extended arm and leg position. All reps must be performed in a highly concentrated manner and carried out until muscle failure. The pump effect in this type of training is enormous.

4 Important Points To Consider

Before we discuss the actual S.A.I.S. Training Program, there are four additional points to consider which need to be addressed in order to achieve rapid gains in muscle size and strength. We are talking about the overload principle, training intensity, adequate rest periods between each workout and immediate recovery after each individual training session.

Overload principle: Continuous muscle growth requires that the muscles constantly be subjected to new challenges. The body and the muscles have the ability to adapt to new stimuli or stress factors, and as a result become stronger. The problem is that the body quickly adapts to a new stimulus, and progress comes to a standstill. Training efforts must be further increased before the body recognizes it as a new challenge, and once more adapts by growing bigger and stronger. The most effective way to subject muscles regularly to a new stimulus is a gradual increase in training weights. For example, someone who can bench press 225 pounds for six reps at the present, and then eight weeks later, is able to handle 250 pounds for six reps can count on visible growth in his chest, shoulder and triceps muscles. Athletes must consequently summon up all their physical and mental strength to ensure that they increase their training weights in all exercises whenever possible. Concerning the S.A.I.S. Training Principle, this means that the three different muscle cell components-fast-twitch white muscle fibers, intermediate muscle fibers and slow-twitch red muscle fibers-must be trained with progressively heavier weights, but still in observance of the current number of reps specified.

High intensity training: In order to gain muscle fast, quality comes before quantity, i.e., high intensity training is more important than a lot of low intensity training. Muscle growth can be adequately stimulated with relatively few sets if each workout set is performed to the point of muscle failure. A set is not considered done until the athlete is unable to perform another rep by himself. During the development of the S.A.I.S. Training Principle, the sports scientists at Nutrex Research learnt that six sets per muscle group is the optimum. However, adequate training intensity can only be achieved if one trains primarily with basic exercises such as squats, bench presses, barbell rows, behind the neck presses, barbell curls etc. Basic exercises are the cornerstones of the S.A.I.S. Training Program because they stimulate the different muscle components more deeply than isolation exercises do.

Adequate rest: Intensive training is without a doubt the prerequisite for muscle growth since it stimulates the muscle cells thoroughly and triggers growth, even though the actual muscle growth occurs in the recovery phase, i.e., in the days following the workout. The higher the training intensity, and the heavier the muscles are stressed, the more time is required for recovery and muscle tissue building (overcompensation). In addition to the individual muscle groups, the body as a whole must be given adequate rest. During the S.A.I.S. Training Program, each muscle group is trained only once a week. The goal is to exert the muscles as thoroughly as possible, and then give them sufficient time to recover and build new tissue. To avoid overtaxing the body, and to prevent over-training, the S.A.I.S. Training Program is comprised of only four weekly training sessions.

Immediate recovery: During the first two hours after a training session, also often referred to as the 2-hour nutrient window, your muscles have the ability to store more glycogen than at any other time. Since glycogen is the primary energy element of all muscular contractions we are talking about a decisive factor when it comes to jump-starting recovery, super-hydrating muscle cells and initiating early on anabolic growth promoting properties within the muscle fiber itself. The more glycogen you are able to load into your muscles within this crucial 2-hour window, the faster you will recover and hence the more time your body has to build muscle before you hit the weights again.

The best way to set the stage for immediate post-workout recovery is to consume the patented high molecular weight carbohydrate Vitargo. Vitargo is a unique product from Sweden, which was originally developed for elite athletes to aid in recovery. In scientific studies, Vitargo has been shown to be superior to dextrose, maltodextrin and all other glucose polymers when it comes to speeding up recovery, re-loading muscular glycogen and, interestingly, transporting creatine to the muscles. Now, for the first time Vitargo has become available in the US under the trade name Vitargo-CGL by Nutrex Research. Vitargo-CGL is a precise combination of Vitargo and creatine that optimizes immediate post-workout recovery through superior glycogen and creatine loading, thus setting the stage for a super-hydrated muscle cell and rapidly incurring growth. Make Vitargo-CGL your preferred post-workout drink and within a week you will feel and see the difference.

The S.A.I.S Training Principles for Maximum Muscle Growth

The following chart explains how the S.A.I.S. Training Principle is structured in order to maximally stimulate all three individual components of the muscle cells (fast-twitch white muscle fibers, intermediate muscle fibers, slow-twitch red muscle fibers).

TargetSet NumbersRepsIntensityMethod
Fast-twitch, white muscle fibers.1, 2 & 36Muscle failureHeavy weights, explosive training style, one-second pause between each individual rep. 5-minute rest between sets.
Intermediate muscle fibers.4 & 510Muscle failureSub-maximum weights, normal speed of movement with only a very brief pause in the extended position of each rep. 3-minute rest between sets.
Slow-twitch, red muscle fibers.620Muscle failureSlow, concentrated reps with no pause in the extended position. The muscle must be kept under constant tension.

Note: As previously mentioned, each muscle group is trained with a total of six sets. These six sets are split up into three different exercises. The first exercise consists of three sets (sets 1&2&3) and targets the fast-twitch white muscle fibers. On all three sets, a weight should be selected that allows the trainee to get exactly six reps on his own before muscle failure sets in. A rest period of 5 minutes should be taken between each of these sets. After the third set and following a subsequent five minute rest, the athlete moves on to another exercise and carries out sets 4 and 5, which stimulate the intermediate muscle fibers.

For sets 4 and 5, a weight should be selected with which a maximum of 10 reps can be performed without assistance, i.e., muscle failure should occur after the tenth rep. A three minute rest should be taken between sets 4 and 5. After the fifth set, another 3-minute rest is to be taken before it’s time to turn to the third and final exercise, which comprises the sixth and final set for this muscle group. Set 6 promotes growth of the slow-twitch red muscle fibers. A weight must be selected with which the athlete, by applying all his physical and mental capacities, is able to perform 20 slow and concentrated reps.

After completing set 6, a 10-minute rest should be taken, before the process described above is to be repeated with another muscle group. Anyone who performs six sets per muscle group in such a manner is guaranteed that all muscle components are maximally stimulated. This results in a dramatic muscle growth within a few short weeks.

The S.A.I.S. Training Program

Based on these findings, the Nutrex Research Group developed the following S.A.I.S. Training Program, which is to be performed over a 6-week period:

Monday: Chest/Biceps

Bench press (free weights, barbell)3 sets6 reps(fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Incline press (free weights, barbell)2 sets10 reps(intermediate muscle fibers)
Vertical bench press (machine)1 set20 reps(slow-twitch red muscle fibers)
Barbell curls (shoulder wide grip)3 sets6 reps(fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Dumbbell curls (seated)2 sets10 reps(intermediate muscle fibers)
EZ-barbell curls (narrow grip)1 set20 reps(slow-twitch red muscle fibers)

Tuesday: Legs

Squats (free weights, barbell)3 sets6 reps(fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Leg press (machine)2 sets10 reps(intermediate muscle fibers)
Hack squats (machine)1 set20 reps(slow-twitch muscle fibers)

Wednesday: Off

Thursday: Shoulders/Triceps

Behind the neck press (free weights, barbell)3 sets6 reps(fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Standing upright rows (free weights, EZ-barbell)2 sets10 reps(intermediate muscle fibers)
Front overhead press (machine)1 set20 reps(slow-twitch red muscle fibers)
Lying triceps press (free weights, EZ-barbell)3 sets6 reps(fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Overhead triceps press (free weights, EZ-barbell)2 sets10 reps(intermediate muscle fibers)
Triceps pushdown (machine, cable)1 set20 reps(slow-twitch red muscle fibers)

Friday: Back/Calves

Front latpulldown (machine, shoulder wide grip)3 sets6 reps(fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Seated cable rows (machine, narrow grip)2 sets10 reps(intermediate muscle fibers)
Dumbbell rows (one arm at a time)1 set20 reps(slow-twitch red muscle fibers)
Standing calf raises (machine)3 sets6 reps(fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Seated calf raises (machine)2 sets10 reps(intermediate muscle fibers)
Bend-over calf raises (machine)1 set20 reps(slow-twitch red muscle fibers)

Saturday: Off

Sunday: Off

Note: It is recommended that the athlete does a light warm-up set with 20 reps for the first exercise of each muscle group. The weight for this warm-up set should be about 30% of the weight used for the first heavy training set. In regard to chest training this means for example, that prior to bench presses, a light warm-up set of 20 reps should be performed at 30% of the weight that will be used for the first heavy set of 6 reps. Such a warm-up set is not to be performed for the following chest exercises since the chest muscles are already adequately warmed up.

It should also be noted that the weight probably has to be reduced for set 2 and set 3 in most exercises, since muscle strength begins to decrease somewhat after set 1, and the athlete runs the risk of being unable to complete all six reps. The same principle applies to sets 4 and 5. It is also recommended to slightly reduce the weight after set 4, in order to get up to 10 reps in set 5. Abdominal and forearm training is not included in the S.A.I.S. Training Program, since these muscle groups are trained indirectly in almost all exercises. In order to ensure maximum muscle growth, all cardio training should be temporarily avoided. The S.A.I.S. Training Program should be performed over a 6-week period.

Conclusion: Try It For Big Gains!

Following these guidelines will produce exceptionally good results in terms of overall muscle growth and strength gains, especially if combined with the ‘Eating for Maximum Muscle Gains’ diet and supplementation plan, coming soon on Bodybuilding.com. We at Nutrex Research have worked with this program now for a little over five months and the feedback we receive from bodybuilders across the country is tremendous. Since we closely monitored the progress of all our test athletes we were able to optimize this approach in such a way, that we can now comfortably recommend this program to all bodybuilders who are serious about wanting to gain mass and strength as quickly as possible.