The Ancient “Goo” Upping Testosterone

Mar 01, 2024


In the world of natural solutions to low testosterone – shilajit has been hailed as the next coming of anabolics – but it does a lot more. Low energy? Little to no motivation? Decrease in muscle mass? Shilajit may be the answer to ALL your problems. Who knew a sticky substance oozing out of rocks in the Himalayas had such superpowers? So, is Shilajit legit? Let’s get into this and find out…

You can’t stop progress. 

The human animal’s drive to learn more, have more and keep more doesn’t stop – we always seem to be looking for a better or faster way to do everything…

And that includes staying in shape. 

Leave it to humans to find shortcuts to feeling and looking good, am I right? 

Regardless, the fact remains that there are literally THOUSANDS of prescription and illegal drugs that can make you look and feel better… 

The problem is – these drugs and substances often come with adverse side effects that many of us would like to avoid. 

This is why researchers around the world have been searching for natural alternatives to ailments like low-T. 

Recently, we talked about two nutrients getting a lot of press these days – Ashwagandha and Tongkat Ali and how much of an impact that they can have on testosterone levels (read article here)…

But they’re not alone. 

There’s another substance – some are calling it “rock goo” – that could find itself right up alongside them…


What is this stuff and where does it come from? 

Well, we’re about to dive into that – and even more important – how it could be the next natural remedy that takes centerstage in the fight against low-T. 

Let’s get into this…

Shilajit: Ancient Wonder Goo or Just “Rocks Sweat”?

In the world of natural remedies – there’s no shortage of miraculous claims… 

But so far – everything we’ve heard about Shilajit seems to track.

The dark, sticky substance hailed as a “cure all” in Ayurvedic medicine is sourced right from the Himalayas…

Because nothing screams ‘healing power’ like something oozing out of rocks, right?

However, before you dismiss this as yet another natural fad, hear me out… 

Some of our biggest brains decided to test Shilajit’s effects on testosterone levels in the laboratory – and here’s what they found. 

In a study that sounds more like a sci-fi movie – healthy men aged between 45 and 55 were chosen as the test subjects. 

They ingested 250 mg of this sticky miracle twice a day…

And after 90 days – their total and free testosterone levels – along with DHEA (a precursor to testosterone) – showed significant increases compared to those on placebo. 

It’s like they stumbled upon the fountain of youth for dudes…

Only less watery and more… gooey.

Shilajit – traditionally dubbed as ‘sweat of the mountains’ or ‘blood of the rocks’ – isn’t just a byproduct of geological processes… 

It’s a concoction of humus, rock minerals, and whatnot – compressed over centuries. 

It’s like nature’s own energy bar – except it’s neither tasty nor chewy.

But let’s get into the actual science…

Shilajit’s 31% Boost On Testosterone

Testosterone is the cornerstone of masculinity…

And it plays a pivotal role beyond the stereotypical muscle building and facial hair growth. 

This hormone is a key player in maintaining mood, energy and an overall zest for life…

It’s not just about looking like a jacked up lumberjack – it’s more about feeling good, full of energy and excited about your life.

Shilajit helps boost this hormone to more optimum levels…

Which will do a lot more than just pack on some muscle – it’ll help give you energy and more lust for life… to quote Iggy Pop. 

Again, studies have shown that men taking Shilajit experienced notable increases in their testosterone levels by up to 31%…

Not only is that a HUGE jump – but it also suggests that this “mountain blood” might actually be the natural solution we’ve all been looking for. 

Think about it, it isn’t just about reversing the clock… 

It’s about enhancing quality of life – and higher testosterone levels are linked to improved mood, increased libido and a better overall sense of well-being. 

So, while Shilajit might not turn you into a superhero overnight… 

It could give you some extra pep in your step.

Is Shilajit Legit? 


Is Shilajit the real deal? 

Well, the science suggests that it is…

By giving you the chance to increase your current testosterone numbers by a whopping 31% – then it doesn’t really get more legit than that. 

So, here’s the take-home message… 

Whether you’re a younger dude looking to pack on a couple of extra pounds of muscle…

Or If a middle-aged guy looking to turn back the biological clock – Shilajit could be your thing. 

Right now, Nutrex is working on an incredible formula that not only harnesses the power of Shilajit…

But also packs the potency of both Ashwagandha AND Tongkat Ali – plus a LOT more… making it one of the most STACKED natural testosterone boosters ever created. 

It’s almost ready – and we can’t wait to get it to you. 

But do a little research on Shilajit…

See if you’re not amazed at what this “mountain blood” can do for you. 

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” – Frederick Douglass
Editor’s Note: If you’re itching for a natural boost to your testosterone and can’t wait till our new formula comes out – then you should give ANABOL RIPPED a try. The reviews for this stuff are off the charts – which is BIG for such a new product. What sets ANABOL RIPPED apart is the fact that it’s both a muscle enhance AND a fat burner – rolled into one. Meaning you can get big AND shredded – at the same time. Grab some ANABOL RIPPED and see why this stuff is flying off the shelves – order yours now.