With the Super Bowl capturing America’s attention this weekend – we thought we’d look at the stats and see which of these iron men were the strongest in their sport. However, which NFL player was the strongest in history? Let’s get into this…
The NFL has long been the standard by which big and strong has been measured…
And over the years – it seems that the players have only gotten bigger, stronger and even scarier… more athletic.
When you have men weighing over 300 pounds and running sub 4.5 second 40 yard dashes – you’ve got to be thinking there’s something in the water.
However, whenever we look at the next specimen to come down the pike – the old debate starts…
Who is the strongest player of all time?
That being said – let’s look at some of the top candidates – and see if we can’t come to a conclusion.
Jon Kolb
Jon Kolb may not be a name you know…
But as an offensive lineman who played 13 seasons for the Pittsburgh Steelers – he’s kind of a legend in Pennsylvania.
As a member of the team that won an amazing 4 Super Bowls – you’d think having 4 championships would be his claim to fame – but it isn’t.

Kolb was renowned for his strength…
It’s said he once squatted over 700 pounds – and in the 70’s – you can see how that was a HUGE feat of strength.
The NFL wasn’t Kolb’s only playground – as he also showcased his prowess beyond football by competing in the early World’s Strongest Man contests…
And even took fourth place in 1978 and 1979.
But it was in his final NFL season at the age 34 – that he earned the title of Strongest Man in Football…
So, of course he has to be in the running.
Terry Long
Terry Long’s story is nothing short of amazing…
He was just 160 pounds in high school and only played half a season of football – he didn’t really blossom until he joined the Army Special Forces.
It was under the watchful eye of Uncle Sam that he turned into a beast – bulking up another 100 pounds.
Despite being a bit short and inexperienced – his strength caught the eye of colleges after his service.
At East Carolina University, he kept pushing his limits.
In a show of strength for the NFL scouts, at 23 and a solid 300 lbs. – he entered a powerlifting meet and totally crushed it with some near-mythical numbers.
How mythological?
How about this: 837.7 pound squat, 501.5 pound bench press, and, a near world record (at the time), 865.3 pound deadlift.

Larry Allen
Most people who remember the 90’s Cowboys dynasty can probably remember hearing John Madden repeatedly calling the name of Larry Allen.
Larry Allen was a BEAST and was famous for his incredible strength.
By the end of college – he was already benching over 500 lbs.
Fast forward to 1998 with the Dallas Cowboys – and he’s bench pressing over 600 and squatting 800 lbs.
Reportedly, there’s video of him benching insane weights – 635, then 675, and even 705 pounds.
Sure, he had a spotter, and we can debate the numbers – but the dude was only in a T-shirt and shorts!

Just imagine what he could’ve lifted in perfect conditions.
Considering the world raw bench press record was just 715 lbs. when he retired – some say that Larry could have blown that number out of the water if he worked at it.
But there’s more…
People say he squatted 900 lbs. – just in shorts and a T-shirt.
Now sure, he wasn’t an Adonis – and he carried a layer of… padding… at all times – but there’s no doubting this man’s strength.
At the 2006 Pro Bowl Skills Challenge, at 35, he totally dominated the bench press, doing 43 reps with 225 lbs. – taking home the “Strongest Man in the NFL” title.
Add on top of that he was a 7-time first team All-Pro and 11-time Pro Bowler – it makes sense that Allen was rightfully inducted into the Football Hall of Fame in 2013.
This guy was a legend!
Which brings us back to the age old question…
Which NFL Player Was The Strongest In History?
While there have been plenty of strong men to play in the National Football League…
There’s a consensus that the title of Strongest NFL Player in History goes to Larry Allen.
Not only did he put up ungodly numbers…
He was one of the most dominant offensive linemen of all time.
At 6’3” – 335 pounds (and heavier during some seasons) – this giant of a man needed that strength to throw around other 300 pound behemoths.
While he’s slimmed down a little since retiring…
Larry is still a giant of a man.
The crazy part is – while he’s got that title for now…
Odds are – some freak of nature will come along some day and beat all of his records.
That’s what makes the human animal so amazing…
Every time we think we know our limits – somebody comes along and blows all our preconceived notions and conceptions right out of the water.
Can’t wait to see who’s next…
“Scariest player? Larry Allen.” – Brian Urlacher
Editor’s Note: Strength is important. Strength has long been the measure of a man. Many will go to great lengths to increase their strength whether for sport or just the sheer joy of lifting. If you want to boost your strength – you might want to give ANABOL HARDCORE a try. Designed to capture the benefits of 4 different plant steroids – this stuff has everything you need to help you beat your PR. Grab your supply of ANABOL HARDCORE today.