The truth about fat burners is…
Most people don’t KNOW the truth.
They’ve been told some lies and half-truths…
But they don’t really have any grasp on how, why or even IF fat burners really work.
And… the fact is – many people don’t WANT the truth…
They want to exist in their own little bubble where THEIR truth is the only truth that matters.
That’s no way to live.
If you want to hide your head in the sand like an ostrich (actually – they don’t really do that – weird how that became a thing) then have at it…

But given the choice – I believe that knowing the actual TRUTH is the better alternative – as knowledge of what is true and what is false is the only way to grow.
What’s the truth about fat burners?
Sure, we’ve all seen the claims…
“Take this pill and the fat will simply melt away!”
“Just one capsule – twice a day – is all you need to drop 10 pounds in just 30 days.”
“Get shredded!! The BEST way to get ripped is inside this one tiny capsule.”
Marketing, man…
We’re all suckers for it – given the right angle.
However, what these supplement companies fail to do – is explain just HOW these fat burners work – and even more…
What they’re ACTUALLY doing to your body.
What Do Fat Burners Actually Do?
We can tell you this…
Any company that claims they can shrink fat cells – is lying through their digital teeth.
Nothing short of pharmaceuticals can do that – and even then – a lot of those medications are dicey…
Come with a healthy dose of nausea and diarrhea – soooooo, no thanks.

If they can’t shrink the fat…
Then how do fat burners actually work?
For the most part – fat burners do their magic by increasing your metabolic rate…
And this thermogenic reaction is the key weight loss.
By elevating your heart rate, curbing your appetite and increasing your overall energy expenditure – fat burners are a lot like hitting the “fast forward” button on weight loss.
Helping you burn more calories while eating less (at least hopefully… not everybody has the ability to suppress their cravings 😬) – many people have been able to “get over the hump” or at least kickstart their weight loss with these supplements.
That being said…
Not all fat burners are built the same.

The fact is – there are certain ingredients that are needed in order for the thermogenic process to happen…
And not all brands understand how the combination is crucial to making it all work.
The Most Common Fat Burners
There are a few elements that a quality fat burner should have:
Caffeine: This common ingredient comes in many forms and is often the basis of most modern fat-burning formulas. Caffeine stimulates your nervous system and helps burn calories by increasing your heart rate. Fat burner supplements often contain more caffeine than your typical cup of coffee.
Green tea extract: This is another common ingredient found in fat burner supplements – as green tea also helps burn calories and has been shown in helping reduce fat absorption from food.
Carnitine: This is a compound that boosts your metabolism and gives you energy. It can be found in meat and dairy products, and it’s made naturally by your liver and kidneys. However, on its own, it doesn’t deliver the results. Carnitine must be combined with other amino acids to truly get the benefits.
Yohimbe: A plant compound that has been used for centuries – comes from the bark of an evergreen tree. Yohimbe has been used traditionally for many reasons – as it combats fatigue, high blood pressure, and heart problems – by improving circulation and blood flow.
These are just a FEW of the ingredients that you’ll find in today’s fat burners…
But do they work?
Getting Down To The Nitty Gritty…
While we can’t speak for all brands – generally – if a fat burner has a combination of these and a few other thermogenic ingredients…
You can increase your metabolic rate – therefore – theoretically, you should lose weight.
That being said…
Just because you’re taking fat burners doesn’t mean you can slack in other areas of a health regimen.

You should still do some strength training.
You should still do some cardio work.
You should still watch what you eat.
Taking fat burners is NOT a magic bullet…
They’re not going to counteract unhealthy habits…
But they will ADD to your weight loss.
This is the truth about fat burners that not many brands will talk about…
They want naive customers to just assume that they’ll take their product and be at their ideal weight in a month.
There are two places that happens…
Nowhere and Fantasy Land.

I live in reality…
Where I know you can’t lose weight movement…
You can’t get big without lifting…
And you can’t expect people with a computer in their hand to NOT use it to research what they want.
Where do you live?
“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world…would do this, it would change the earth.” – William Faulkner
Editor’s Note: Shawn’s right… not all fat burners are built the same. There’s a reason that LIPO-6 BLACK has been one of the BIGGEST selling fat burners of all time… and that’s because it works! LIPO-6 has been THE name in thermogenics for DECADES now – and our BLACK formula may be the most complete of them all. So, if you want to kick your shred season into high gear… or just need an extra boost breaking your weight loss plateau – grab a supply of LIPO-6 BLACK today.