More Power Than You’ve EVER Dreamed Possible

Apr 13, 2023

By Shawn Ambrosino

What most people don’t realize is that they are MORE powerful than they think. They don’t understand just how much their reality depends on them. Let’s take a page out of Marcus Auerlius’ book and see if we can’t figure out the answer to the question: Where does TRUE power really lie? Let’s get into this…

You’ll notice when it comes to improving our bodies…

We can only go as far as we can improve our minds. 

There’s been countless books written about ways to do that…

But I think the best examples we can get come from one of the great philosophers – and somebody who’s a favorite here at Nutrex…

Marcus Aurelius. 

If you’re not familiar with this Roman emperor – get ready to have your mind blown…

Because even though he died almost 2,000 years ago – his wisdom still holds true to this day. 

We could sit here discussing the GEMS that this guy spit out…

But today – we’re going to look at just one – as it goes hand in hand with improving our mind in order to have the power to improve our body. 

The quote? 

“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” 

So, what does this quote really mean? 

It means that you can’t control everything that happens in your life – but you can control how you react to it. 

In our world – that means that while you can’t control the weather, the gym hours, or the fact that your gym buddy bailed on you…

You CAN control how you react to those things. 

You can choose to work out indoors…

Find a new gym that has better hours…

Or motivate yourself to work out alone…

THAT is what you can control.

Where Does TRUE Power Really Lie?

Let’s break it down even further… 

Your mind is a powerful thing – it’s what motivates you to want to trian in the first place. 

It’s what tells you to push through the pain and keep going… 

But it’s also what tells you to give up and quit.

The thing is, your mind is also the ONLY place where you can find strength…

The key to finding that strength is: controlling your thoughts and reactions to outside events – so you can use that power to fuel your workouts.

Not following? 

Here, let’s talk about a real life scenario…

Let’s say you’re planning on going for a run outside (you.. DEFINITELY not me – I only run when chased) but it starts raining. 

You can either throw in the towel and skip your workout…

Or you can take control of your mind and find a solution. 

Maybe you can do some a HIIT workout in your house instead…

Or maybe you be the hard mother trucker you KNOW you are and just embrace the weather and go for the run anyway. 

The point is: YOU have the power to control your mind and find strength in any situation.

Your Mind And Training

Now, let’s talk about how this applies to working out or training… 

We all know that training isn’t always easy – especially when you factor in things like a full time job, school or a family – it takes a LOT of discipline, dedication, and mental toughness to grid hard daily. 

But the truth is – all of those factors – come from your mind. 

If you can control your mind – you can push yourself harder and achieve more.

For example, let’s say you’re trying to hit a new PR for the deadlift… 

You’re struggling with the lift and so your mind is telling you to give up. 

But if you can control your mind… 

You can tell yourself that you’re stronger than this weight…

You can visualize yourself lifting it… 

And you can USE that mental image to push yourself harder.

Another example? 

Let’s say you’re in a jiu jitsu class and you’re struggling to keep up. 

Your mind is telling you that you can’t do it – but if you can control your thoughts – you can remind yourself that you’re a BADASS…

You can remind yourself of all the times you’ve pushed yourself and succeeded – and use those mental images to keep you moving.

The point is…

Your mind is POWERFUL – and if you can control it –  you can achieve more than you ever thought possible. 

It Comes Down To Control

You can use it to push yourself harder…

To find strength in any situation… 

And to achieve whatever goal you make. 

But how do you actually control your mind? 

How do you fight something that only wants comfort? 

Well, it’s not easy – but it’s definitely possible…

Here’s how: 

Set Clear Goals: If you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve – it’s easier to control your mind and stay motivated.

Set specific goals for yourself, and then remind yourself of those goals when you’re feeling discouraged.

Visualize Success: Visualization is a powerful tool…

Before your workouts – take a few minutes to visualize yourself succeeding: hitting those rep goals, hitting that new PR, hitting that new timed mile. 

Use that mental image to motivate yourself – to remind yourself you ARE a badass – and you can succeed.

KNOW it’s possible… and it is.

Practice Positive Self-Talk: The way you talk to yourself can have a big impact on your mindset…

By practicing positive self-talk – you can train your mind to focus on the good and stay motivated even when things get tough.

Instead of telling yourself that you can’t do something or that you’re not good enough – replace those negative thoughts with positive affirmations like “I am capable” or “I am a BADASS”…

Over time, this practice can help you build mental strength and resilience – which can translate into better performance and outcomes. 

What’s funny is…

We tend to forget the knowledge and wisdom of the past. 

Embrace Past Wisdom

There seems to be this need in modern society to erase the past as something out of touch…


Or God forbid – “insensitive”…

But the truth is much of what men like Marcus Aurelius have to say – are worth their weight in gold. 

We need to understand that there is nothing new under the sun…

That we don’t need to reinvent the wheel. 

All the knowledge we need to improve the people we are – both physically and mentally – has been discovered…

We just need to embrace it. 

So, the next time you hit a roadblock – don’t look for some new age solution…

Just remember the words of Marcus Aurelius – because the truth is you have the strength you need to overcome everything…

You just need to discover it. 

“The important thing about a problem is not its solution, but the strength we gain in finding the solution” – Seneca 

Editor’s Note: Mentally – you already have the strength you need to overcome anything – you just need to find it! That being said – physical strength is another animal. You can’t find it – you have to BUILD it – which is why Nutrex has an extensive line of muscle building supplements that could help you fortify your body and create the physique you’ve always dreamed of. It’s possible – and here are some of the proven muscle builders that can help you achieve that ideal build. Click here for the full list…

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