Lift long enough or hard enough – and sooner or later – an injury (or injuries) is going to happen. However, injuries can be avoided if you have just a little extra time and little extra discipline in the gym. Don’t let injuries stop your gains! Let’s get into this…
Injuries happen…
You don’t have to be an Olympic lifter or professional strong man to destroy your body.
It doesn’t take much to get the injury ball rolling…
A rushed warm up…
A slight cheat on your form…
Not enough sleep the night before…
There are a plethora of reasons as to how somebody can get hurt in the gym.
When you’ve been training as long as I have (and as DUMB as I have at times) – you’re bound to have a few aches and pains – if not one or two full on injuries.
For DECADES now – I’ve been dealing with bad shoulders and an even worse back.
Sure, they seem to get better…
But then – without even as much as a “hello” – they pop back in like an unwanted guest to wreak havoc on your serenity.

Recently, my lower back injury started flaring up…
I’ve seen masseuses, chiropractors and stretch specialists – I’ve gotten myofacial release, spinal decompression and stretched by a Thai woman named Nuk…
And while I’m DEFINITELY on the road to recovery – I’m still in pain.
What’s worse is…
I know it’s my fault.
I know that if I would have taken just a little bit of time to do what I KNOW I’m supposed to do to keep my back healthy – I’d be fine…
But I got cocky.
Because I’ve felt good for a long time – I got out of my routine…
But now – I’m paying the price.
Ca sera sera, right?

Anway, I figured now would be a good time to remind you of what you should be doing to avoid being stupid and in pain like me.
Don’t be like me – don’t let injuries stop your gain.
Where do we start?
Well, the best place to start is when you walk in…
Wake Up the Beast
Contrary to what some people say…
The warm-up is not optional.
It’s an essential part of the game…
And by spending just a few minutes prepping your muscles with dynamic stretches, light cardio, or even some bodyweight exercises – you’ll be doing way more than just getting that pre-workout glisten.
You’ll be prepping your body for the stress you’re about to put it under…
This will pay dividends and will avoid you having “cold” muscles that aren’t as pliable.
So, start with one, two or all three of these before your workout…
Make it a ritual and I promise you – your body will thank you for it.
Good Form ONLY… No Excuses
Here’s the deal…
Lifting with proper form is crucial to both muscular development and injury avoidance.
Yeah,yeah… I get it – you want to pull a ton off the floor so you can post it the Gram…
But you’re doing more harm than good.
Sure, you may get some likes on social media…
But a bad back or torn hip tendon isn’t worth it.
Focus on technique – that way you KNOW you’re engaging the right muscles and that concentration will help you maintain proper posture.
Don’t be that guy “air humping” to get that bar off the ground…

Odds are you’ll end up as a viral meme – and not in the way you’d want to.
Don’t Be a One-Trick Pony
They say variety is the spice of life…
And it applies to workouts as much as anywhere else.
I get it…
I’m a routine guy myself – but I also understand that it can get boring to do the same thing over and over again – so I switch things up every once in a while.
Mix up your exercises, target different muscle groups or even incorporate functional movements into your workouts…
Not only will you prevent boredom from creeping in – but you’ll also distribute the load across your body.
That’s how you reduce the risk of overuse injuries.
And ain’t nobody got time for that.

LISTEN to Your Body
Your body is a finely-tuned machine…
So, when it whispers, “Hey, take it easy,” you should listen.
Ignoring those warning signs is like skipping leg day – dumb and potentially disastrous.
If something doesn’t feel right, dial it back a notch…
Pain, discomfort, or excessive fatigue are red flags.
Of course, self-diagnosis isn’t always the smartest…
It’s always best to seek guidance from a qualified trainer or healthcare professional to avoid turning a minor setback into a major catastrophe.
When Injury Strikes – Channel Your Inner Buddha
So… you didn’t warm up – and the worst happened…
You got hurt.
Now, you find yourself sitting on a couch – nursing an injury…
Just realize – you’re not alone.
Put a heating pad on that strained muscle, rest your body and let it get the REAL recovery it needs.
That’s not always easy…
Your inner warrior is going to try to talk you into getting back into the gym early – do NOT listen!
Let your body heal…
Then, make SURE you’re healed.
You’ll have to access your inner Buddha and be the calm center of your universe and tell the warrior to shut up for a few days.

Seek professional medical advice if necessary, and follow the rehab and recovery plan religiously.
You may be temporarily benched – but remember, it’s just a detour – not the end of the road.
Don’t Let Injuries Stop Your Gains
Listen to this weathered Spartan…
Do NOT let injuries stop you from reaching your goals.
Follow these battle-tested tips and you can steer clear of injuries.
It ain’t hard…
Warm-up, maintain proper form, embrace variety and listen to your body.,
But, if you do face an injury – don’t get too down on yourself.
Attack your recovery with the same intensity and determination that you bring to your workouts and you’ll be back in action before you know it.
Pain is temporary – but glory is forever!
“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Editor’s Note: Even if you follow Shawn’s health recipe to a T – you could still find yourself on the sideline. That’s why it’s important to keep your muscles as healthy as possible. Creatine is one of the BEST supplements to help you keep your muscles full of the nutrients they need. It’s the most researched supplement on the planet for a reason… so do yourself a favor and grab some Creatine Drive – it may help you avoid your next physical detour. Get your supply HERE.