There’s been some rumblings in the Twittersphere of the anabolic world about the wonders of HMB – a nutrient derived from Leucine. Is HMB the next big thing? Or are the talking heads just… talking? Let’s get into this and find out…
As a competitive athlete…
I’m always looking for an edge.
Not because I feel I need it to beat somebody…
But as I get closer and closer to 50 – the more and more I’m looking to find something that will recapture some of the energy and vitality I felt 20 to 30 years prior.
It’s not that I don’t feel good – I do – in fact, I dare say I feel better than most of my generation facing the big five oh…
It’s just that when I get hurt or don’t get enough sleep – I feel it longer than I used to.
So, finding an “edge” is less about beating opponents on the mat…
And more about wanting to feel better (though, feeling good definitely HELPS when I’m trying to defeat some monster standing across from me).
As a consumer of information…

I’m constantly reading or listening to podcasts or watching youtube for anything new coming down the pike – and of course – my ears perked up lately after hearing a few experts talk about HMB (ß-Hydroxy ß-Methylbutyrate).
Now, HMB is not to be confused with GHB – (gamma-hydroxybutyrate) – that was really popular in the 90’s before idiots started using it as a party drug…
Idiots ALWAYS ruin the good stuff.
Anywho, back to HMB…
The whispers around the proverbial water cooler are talking about how this nutrient – which is derived from Leucine – could take your gains to the next level.
It seems that some feel that HMB could be the ultimate anabolic…
So, let’s get into this.
Is HMB The Next Big Thing?
For some – HMB may just sound like alphabet soup…
But all the research is pointing towards the fact this stuff is the REAL deal.
Studies have shown that HMB is like an extra layer of protection for your muscles…
It helps prevent muscle breakdown – which means you get to keep more of those hard-earned gains – rather than watch them get flushed down the toilet… literally.
Imagine HMB as your muscles’ personal Captain America – standing strong against the evil forces of catabolism.

However, if that’s not enough to blow your hair back – check this out…
In another study – researchers discovered that HMB can significantly enhance muscle protein synthesis and muscle strength gains.
It’s like that super soldier serum they gave to Steve Rogers to become Captain America – just on a MUCH smaller and MUCH slower scale – as HMB activates your muscles to grow faster than they would without it.
Of course, what’s up for debate is the speed at which that happens…
HMB vs. Muscle Soreness
Anybody that lifts knows the struggle of perfect synergy between working hard…
But not SO hard that you can’t train the next day.
Though, I know people who aren’t happy unless they’re absolutely SPENT and can barely function one, two or even THREE days after a brutal workout…
But those people are simply gluttons for punishment.
Just because you’re sore – doesn’t mean you’ve gotten the best possible workout…
It just means you’ve abused your body.
I believe there’s a sweet spot…
A place between hard work and abuse. THAT is what we should be aiming for.
It’s a delicate balance.

However, what if soreness wasn’t an issue?
HMB could be the solution you’ve been looking for…
In research, it’s been shown to reduce muscle damage and the dreaded DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).
So, you know how you feel like a zombie after leg day?
Well, HMB may be the cure…
And I’m sure not being scared of a set of stairs will go a long way in your personal development. 😉😉😉
What’s the consensus?
Does this stuff actually work?
Does IT Work?
So, let’s get down to the long and short of it…
Does HMB work?
Well, right now – I’ll have to bow to the expertise.
That being said…
I just picked up my first bottle – so, I’ll be your guinea pig over the next month.
If there are any changes in my muscularity…
Level of soreness…
Or how I actually FEEL – you’ll be the first to know.
I’ll be your own personal Steve Rogers…

Now, I won’t wake up a month from now fighting to free Europe from the clutches of Nazi Germany – but maybe I’ll FEEL like I want to.
So, keep your eye out for part II of this…
Until next time, Fam!
“A single individual who has the right heart and the right mind – that is consumed with a single purpose – that one man can win a war.” – Steve Rogers, Captain America
Editor’s Note: We can’t wait to hear how Shawn’s experiment with HMB goes – so, we’re marking our calendar for the next installment. If you can’t wait for his follow up article – you can always join him in his experiment. You can join him as he goes down the HMB rabbit hole by grabbing some HMB 1000 for yourself. We’d love to hear how it worked for you too. Get your supply of HMB 1000 by going HERE.