Seven Habits To Avoid Being A Loser

Mar 07, 2023

By Shawn Ambrosino

There are seven daily habits that highly successful people do to avoid being a loser… things that most people don’t. Are you successful or are you a loser? Here’s how to always be the former and never the later…

Nobody wants to be a loser…

And I mean nobody. 

Success is hardwired in most humans.

We don’t want to just survive – we want to thrive…

And a lot of what ensures we do that comes down to our mindset. 

Now, not to get too metaphysical on you…

But we create the reality we live in. 

Sure, things happen to us that we can’t control, however…

It’s the decisions we make… the words we speak… and actions we follow through on that literally shape the reality around us. 

People don’t realize the power they hold over their lives…

They think the world happens TO them – rather than FOR them. 

But… again, I didn’t want to get too metaphysical – so I digress…

No, to be successful in this life – you have to take success seriously. 

You have to form habits that ensure you’re successful…

And some people have got these habits down to a science – and why it looks like they’re writing their own ticket. 

Seven Habits To Avoid Being A LOSER

The bottom line is – if you want to be successful in life – there are certain things you need to do on a daily basis…

Things that nobody really wants to do – but if you want to avoid being a loser – they’re crucial. 

And no… 

We’re not talking about taking a cold shower or eating breakfast – that’s s**t everybody does. 

No, we’re talking about habits that will help you perform at a higher level and achieve your goals… 

Unless your goal is to stay EXACTLY where you’re at. 

If you want to change… 

Start incorporating these 7 things into your everyday life. 

Get Your Lazy Ass Out of Bed

If you want to be ahead of the game, you need to start your day earlier than everyone else… 

That means setting your alarm for 5am (or even 4am if you’re ambitious) and getting an early jump on the day.  

Waking up early gives you more time to work out, plan your day, work on your business, and be productive…

Plus, if you need an extra incentive – research has shown that people who wake up early are happier and have less anxiety.

So… get your lazy ass out of bed!

Get Some Fresh Air

To really get things moving – take at least a 30 minute walk… outside.

Nature has been shown to decrease anxiety, increase happiness, and improve mood – plus, if you walk in the morning – you’re getting some sun and all that good Vitamin D. 

Getting your heart moving helps get your brain moving…

So, if you’re feeling stressed or down – go outside…

Take a walk in the park or go for a hike in the woods. It’s one of the best things you can do for your mental health.

Write It Down

A good habit to get into is writing down your thoughts before bed. 

As you unwind before you go to sleep – take a few minutes and write down your goals for tomorrow, what you’re grateful for, and any negative thoughts that are running through your head. 

This will help clear your mind and allow you to sleep better… as well as get the next day lined up and easier to conquer. 

I also like to include a GSD List (Get S**t Done) – that way – I don’t forget anything as I’m leaving to start my day.

Train… Train… And Train Some More

If you want success – it starts at home… and it starts with the flesh machine your brain is driving around. 

Spend an hour a day exercising – whether it’s weight training, cycling, martial arts or whatever…

Exercise is important for both your physical and mental health. 

It can help improve brain function, increase energy levels, and reduce stress… 

So, when making your GSD list – be sure to schedule an hour each day (at least four days a week) to get your body moving.


Know what successful people do? 

They meditate.

    If you can meditate for at least 10 minutes – you’ll be doing yourself a world of good…

      As meditation has numerous benefits: including reducing stress, improving focus, and increasing self-awareness. 

      You can get all these benefits in as little as 10 minutes! 

      So, find a quiet place, sit down with your eyes closed, and focus on your breath going in and out.

      Fill Your Brain

      How often do you read? 

      Knowledge is power, right? 

      So if you can read for at least 30 minutes per day – you’re making yourself stronger mentally. 

      Reading is one of the best ways to learn new things and expand your horizons… 

      The best way to grow as a person. 

      And as for benefits – it also helps improve concentration and critical thinking skills. 

      Try to set aside some time each day (or at least most days) and read something interesting.

      Human Connection

      We are the amalgamation of the five people we hang around the most…

      That’s why it’s so important to connect with good people – starting with your friends or family.

      Spending time with loved ones is crucial for both our mental and emotional well-being…

      As that connection can help reduce stress levels, increase happiness, and improve our overall outlook on life. 

      In today’s busy lifestyle – this is easy to overlook…

      Which is why it’s important to schedule some quality time with the people who matter most to you every week.

      Now, these 7 habits aren’t my opinion…

      It’s science. 

      Research has shown that across the board – successful people do these things. 

      I’m not just blowing smoke…

      Don’t want to be a loser?

      Great! Use this is the blueprint on where to start. 

      If you’re a winner – congratulations!! 

      You’ve probably already started incorporating these things into your daily life…

      Isn’t it GREAT?! 

      Life CAN be easy…

      You just have to make it easy. 

      Create the world you want to live in…

      And at least now – you know where to start! 

      “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell

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