The IDEAL Male Physique

Apr 27, 2023

By Shawn Ambrosino

What is the “Ideal” male physique? That’s a hard question to answer – as the answer is subjective from one person to the next. However, we CAN deduce what the ideal male physique COULD be by compiling data looking for KEY measurements. Let’s get into this…

It’s no secret that we live in a society that places a LOT of emphasis on physical appearance…

And the ideal male physique is no exception. 


We know there isn’t just one answer to this question. 

What some may consider “perfect” – other will look at and laugh or worse…

Look at with a face of disgust 🤢🤢🤢. 

Why is it that certain body types and features are considered attractive while others are not? 

And how does the ideal male physique evolve with each passing generation?

It’s an interesting thought exercise to try and figure out what is MOST ideal across the broadest spectrum. 

Before we get started – think about YOUR ideal male physique:

If you’re a man – think about what you’d like your body to look like most…

If you’re a woman – think about what the male body is you find most aesthetic pleasing…

That will give us a base from where to start from. 

Me, I’m torn…

I was raised on the aesthetics of classic bodybuilders like Arnold, Flex Wheeler and Kevin Levrone…

But as an athlete – I think something closer to peak Mike Tyson, Baltimore Ravens’ great – Ray Lewis or even that of MMA legend – Georges St. Pierre. 

For me – it’s got to be about function as well as aesthetic… 

But I realize I’m not the majority. 

What Is The “Ideal” Male Physique?

So, we’re going to look at the data collected by Treadmill Reviews – who surveyed 1,000 Americans and asked them to compile the most attractive body types according to gender… 

And do you know what that survey found? 

Of course not! If you did – you wouldn’t have read this far…

So, let me show you.

Here’s what the “ideal” male physique looks like:

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 187lbs

Chest: 41inches

Waist: 33inches

Well, guess I’m out…

Everything on me is BIGGER than everything on this list. 

Oh well, guess I won’t be getting that modeling contract…

But there’s more. 

Not only is there a body type – there are desirable physical traits too: 

Hair: brown 42%; blonde 22.5%; black 21%; red 11%

Eye: blue 35%; brown 26%; green 22%; hazel 10%

Skin tone: fair 35%; medium 33%; olive 15%; light 10%; brown 3.5%

So, if you’re a 6 ft tall, 185 pound athlete from northern Europe – congrats – you’re closer than most…

But the rest of the world seems to be screwed. 

But why is this? 

What makes one body type more attractive than another? 

Physiques Over Time

Well, one of the first things we have to think about is: why it’s important to understand that what we find attractive is largely influenced by cultural and societal norms.  

For example, the ancient Greeks placed great value on physical beauty and athleticism – which is why the Greek aesthetic of chiseled muscles and toned bodies is still something that people look to today. 

In fact, many of the traits that the survey’s found to be desirable – such as a tall height and a broad chest – can be traced back to the Greek ideal of the perfect male form.

We’ve all heard the adage, “a body like a Greek god”…

This is where that idea comes from. 

But as I said…

Things change. 

The ideal male physique is not set in stone…

It’s evolved over time. 

In the 1960s and 70s, the ideal male body type was lean and toned – thanks to the rise of bodybuilding and fitness culture. 

Men like Bruce Lee and Frank Zane epitomized this ideal – with their muscular yet streamlined physiques. 

One built for aesthetics…

One built for speed and function – but both looked at with awe. 

In the 1980s and 90s – the ideal shifted towards a more bulky, muscular look – with action stars like Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwartzenegger and Jean-Claude Van Damme setting the standard… 

But today – the ideal male physique seems to be a combination of both – with a focus on lean muscle mass and a toned, athletic build.

We went from “all show and no go”…

To “show AND go” in just a matter of a few decades. 

However, despite these shifts in the ideal male physique – there ARE certain traits that remain consistent across generations. 

For example, a strong, chiseled jawline is universally considered attractive…

As are toned arms and abs. 

Why do you think beards have become so popular in the 21st Century? 

Sure, they’re manly…

But they also hide that double chin. 

And while the ideal height and weight may fluctuate – there is always a desire for a well-proportioned body with balanced muscle mass.

How To Achieve The Ideal

So, how can men achieve the ideal male physique? 

According to Gunnar Peterson – consistency is key. 

Whether you’re aiming for the lean, toned look of Bruce Lee or the bulky muscle mass of Arnold Schwarzenegger – the key to success is to consistently work towards your goal. 

This means sticking to a healthy diet, getting plenty of exercise and the hardest part –  being PATIENT with your progress.

Everybody in today’s society has a problem with instant gratification…

They don’t want results fast – they want them NOW. 

But that’s not how this works…

It takes time…

And having the patience to wait for it is key. 

Of course, not everyone wants to adhere to the ideal male physique…

Some men prefer a more natural and unassuming look – while others may have physical limitations that prevent them from achieving their desired body type. 

I say: “hoseshit”…

You do what you can – you may not always reach your goals – but that should stop you from trying. 

Don’t let somebody tell you can’t…

Even yourself. 

That’s negative talk…

And ain’t nobody got time for that!

So, what can we take away from all of this? 

NOTHING Is Unattainable

While the ideal male physique may seem like an unattainable goal – the truth is that it’s all about perception. 

What one person finds attractive may not be the same as what another person finds desirable… 

And while cultural and societal norms certainly play a role in shaping our ideals – it’s ultimately up to each individual to decide what they want their body to look like.

If you’re happy with the way you look… 


If you’re not… 

Do something to change it. 

It ain’t rocket science.

Whether you’re striving for the chiseled Greek aesthetic or the lean, toned look of today…

Remember, the key to success is consistency and dedication. 

Keep that discipline and everything else is cream cheese.

“To have striven, to have made the effort, to have been true to certain ideals – this alone is worth the struggle.” – William Osler

Editor’s Note: Regardless of what YOU think the “ideal” body is – you can work to get closer to yours – and we can help speed up the process. The Ultimate Abol Stack was designed to help ANY guy reach their full physical potential. If muscle is the goal – we’ve got you covered. Grab your Ultimate Abol Stack here!

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