There’s no doubt about what today’s society values when it comes to a person’s demeanor and attitude – affability, softness, meekness – not monsters. There is one thing that divides the meek from monsters and it comes down to one solitary trait. Let’s get into this…
If there is one thing that I’ve noticed that most gym goers have in common…
We’re not big fans of weakness – in others, yes – but more in ourselves. Well… at least I do. I find weakness in myself…detestable. When I’m sitting in the sauna and it’s 190 degrees and the voice in the back of my head keeps telling me to bust through the door and go out into the cool air… I get angry.
When I’m lifting – and one of my injuries starts acting up… I want to punch myself in the face. I just can’t stand the idea of being weak. And while this applies to the physical realm – I’m mostly talking about the mental aspect.
Of course, this way of thinking isn’t as widely embraced as it once was…
We’re living in the age where grown adult men are paying $10K to be held by another man in a swimming pool like a baby so they can cry – or worse – paying $30K for some Navy SEAL want-to-be scream in your face and douse you with water. Both of these programs are to make you more of a man.

I’ve got news for you: if you need a program to make you more of a “man” – you weren’t much of one to begin with.
Do you know what these “programs” really are? They’re money grabs. Pure and simple. They’re designed to separate the sucker from their hard-earned money…
And judging by how many people sign up for these programs – they’re doing EXACTLY that.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Shawn, you just said you can’t stand weakness. If these guys are trying to make themselves strong, you should be applauding them, right?”
These people who pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to have some sort of breakthrough – would be better to stay at home, buy a year’s supply of protein powder – and spend the next 365 days married to the iron. They’d get bigger, they’d get better…
And they’d learn more about themselves than any weekend retreat surrounded by assholes could ever teach them.
Because there’s only ONE thing that kills meekness…
And that’s the monster.
Do you know what separates the meek from the monsters? It’s just one thing…
The capacity for violence – and the ability to visit it upon those who deserve it.
It may sound counterintuitive, but it’s going to be the monsters that save our world – not the meek.

Again, I know what you’re thinking, “But Shawn, in the Bible, in Matthew 5:5 it says, ‘Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth’ – that means there’s no room for monsters.”
Ahh, but what if I told you there was?
You see, the Hebrew word for “meek” in Psalm 37:11, which Jesus quotes in this verse, is anavim (עֲנָוִים) – which is often translated as “lowly ones”…
Anavah is the Hebrew word for humility – but it doesn’t necessarily mean “weakness” – it actually refers to someone who is humble and recognizes their place in the universe.
Humble doesn’t mean weak…
In fact, the argument could be made that it means “strong” – because only those with true strength and capacity for violence but don’t abuse their gift, are truly humble.
Now, this isn’t my hypothesis…
A lot of this I got from Dr. Jordan Peterson.
If you don’t know who Jordan Peterson is – you should look him up – he’s a Canadian psychologist and university professor that refused to bend the knee to those trying to get him to use language he wasn’t comfortable with – through threat of force.
He’s brilliant…
He’s got loads and loads of interesting thoughts, but one of my favorite quotes of his is the following. During one interview, he said the following and it’s stuck with me.
“Everyone says, ‘Well, you should be harmless, virtuous, you shouldn’t do anyone any harm, you should sheath your competitive instinct. You shouldn’t try to win. You don’t want to be too aggressive. You don’t want to be too assertive.’ No. Wrong. You should be a monster, an absolute monster, and then you should learn how to control it. It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”
The truth is – if you’re humble without the capacity for violence, you’re not humble… you’re harmless.
It’s only those that have the capacity for violence – and choose not to who are TRULY humble.
So, don’t listen to what society is telling you about being weak… they’re lies.
You should be doing everything you can to turn yourself into a monster.

Lift heavy, eat protein, take creatine – learn how to dismantle another human being through some form of martial art.
Don’t be meek. F**k being meek…
Be a monster and be humble – because without you – I’m on my own out here.
“To stand up straight with your shoulders back is to accept the terrible responsibility of life, with eyes wide open. It means deciding to voluntarily transform the chaos of potential into the realities of habitable order.” – Jordan B. Peterson
Editor’s Note: If you want to become a monster – you have to feed the beast within. Nothing creates monsters FASTER than than creatine. One of the most researched supplements on the planet – creating can turn your form nerd to monster in no time. Here at Nutrex – we only use PURE CREATINE MONOHYDRATE – because it truly matters what kind of fuel you put in your body. If you want to build yourself into a monster – grab some CREATINE MONOHYDRATE by clicking here.