We are living in a world where there is no truth. There are only versions of the truth as the individual sees it. If we don’t find a way to come together soon – there’s only one credible solution: let’s burn it all down and start over. Let’s get into this…
What a weird, weird time we’re living in…
One of the biggest and weirdest developments of the 21st Century is the fact that there doesn’t seem to be any objective truth anymore. Sure, there’s “truth” – but it’s subjective to the individual.
And from what I’ve seen… people are getting sick of this.
When there’s no objective truth – it makes you feel crazy. When you see something with your own eyes and somebody tries to tell you that it’s not what you actually saw – it makes you feel like you’re going insane.
The kids call this “gaslighting”…
Those of us that are old enough to remember NOT having cell phones – we call it something else: bullshit.
Truth is what YOU see – and that version can be tainted by your beliefs and your morals.
What we all used to agree upon as “right” – has now become subject to political or religious persuasion. There doesn’t seem to be black and white anymore – at all…must differing shades of gray. Can you imagine what life will be like 10 or even 20 years from now if we keep going in this direction?

That’s why I’m ready to just burn it all down. I think we reached the pinnacle of our civilization in the 1980’s – and we’ve done nothing but go downhill from there. So, let’s burn it all down and start over. It can’t be any worse than what we’re dealing with now.
Because if this new “no such thing as truth” mentality is the new way – I don’t think I want to play that game.
Hell, even if this kind of thinking we’re reserved for just the world of politics – that would be one thing – but it’s not it’s EVERYWHERE. Even in the most sacred of places. No, I’m not talking about places of worship – though, it’s there too – I’m talking about something almost as holy to some of us…
The gym.
Yes, there’s no objective truth on the iron temple either. Think about it – how many different ways of training are there? We’re all on a quest to find the one that works for us – and when we find it – we hold onto it for dear life.
You know what I’m talking about. You finally find a routing that gives you great strength and size gains and you buy in. Why wouldn’t you? When you like what you see in the mirror – you latch onto that training style because it serves you best.
That is, of course, until somebody comes along and tells you that you’re doing it all wrong…
That your way isn’t the right way. That you’ve got to change what you’re doing if you really want to see results – and they know – their buddy is a pro bodybuilder and that’s how he does it.
Even though you’re getting great gains doing it your way. You begin second guessing yourself and think, “Maybe I should try it that way? Maybe I’ll get even bigger by changing it up.”
And what happens?

You change it up. You work hard for months – and notice that you’re not making as much progress as you were before. You say things like, “It’s not the workout – it’s my diet. I haven’t been getting as much protein as I should have.”
And so, you overhaul your diet.
Now, you see a change. You’re happy. But not as happy as you were before. You were gaslit into thinking your way wasn’t right. And here you are – with diminished gains and eating a diet you can’t stand.
Eff that…
I’m done playing this game. There IS truth. We can see the truth and we need to speak the truth when we see it and don’t let the gaslighters change your mind. Stay strong.
It’s the only way we’ll be able to get a handle on this stuff.
Or, we can go with option B and burn it all down. Start fresh. I’m all for that. I’ve been training my whole life to survive an apocalyptic scenario – so, I’m ready to put it to the test.
Odds are – if you’re reading this – you’ll be ready to.
The strong will survive, my friends…
We always do.
“Hell is truth seen too late.” – Thomas HobbesEditor’s Note: Shawn is right when he says the strong survive. Increasing strength is why most people start lifting in the first place. If you want to make strength gains – you’ve got to feed your muscles what they need. If you want to put on size AND strength – you’ll want to try MASS INFUSION. This is our premier weight gainer that is sure to help you pack on pounds of dense, hard muscle, and.. It’s as delicious as it is effective. Try MASS INFUSION today and start bulking up!