Most supplement companies don’t care about innovation – they care about making money. Nothing more… nothing less. They will copy a formula – slap a catchy label on it – and sell it for as much as possible. Pushing supplement science forward should be the focus – which is why we created OUTLIFT BURN. Let’s get into this…
What the f@#k ever happened to work ethic?
Call me old fashioned…
Hell.. call me OLD…
But it seems that the last generation to have the idea of having work ethic instilled into them – was MY generation: Gen X.
Millennials and Gen Z seem to not care about excellence…
If they don’t get something – they don’t seem to want to keep working at it – they simply want to move on and find something else they can excel at.
It’s actually pretty scary when you think about it…
After Gen X is gone – what’s going to happen to our world?
I foresee the reality that the movie Idiocracy showed us so many years ago.

I say this because we see their lackadaisical fingerprints everywhere…
In every industry and business – we can see this lack of work ethic rear its ugly head.
In the supplement industry – we see it every day…
These young upstarts don’t look at the big picture – they’re simply interested in making a quick buck.
They don’t really seem to care about advancing the science forward…
They’re content to find some existing formula for some generic pre workout, BCAA or protein formula – slapping some flashy label on it – put some money behind marketing – and then sit back and watch the profits roll in.
Now – that has its merit – don’t get me wrong…
I’m not hating on making money.
However, I AM calling a lot of these newer companies out on the fact that very few of them are doing anything new.
Nutrex has been innovating since day one…
We were the first to bring transparent formulas to market…
And we were amongst the first to design pre workouts for the different needs of our customers.
Oh… and we’ve done it again.
Pushing Supplement Science Forward
Earlier this year – we started working on something we knew would push our entire industry in a new direction…
When we started formulating OUTLIFT BURN – we did so with a purpose: to create a pre workout that burned fat along with everything you’ve come to know pre workouts for.
But first, we had to ask ourselves…
“What hasn’t been done yet?”

If a company isn’t asking themselves this important question – then what are they doing?
If you’re just in business to make money…
You’re missing the point.
If you want to leave a legacy…
If you want to make your mark on your industry or this world…
You have to make an impact.
If you’re not innovating…
If you’re not trying to create something new that changes things for the better…
Then you’ll never make an impact.
But I get it…
Innovating and change isn’t easy.
In fact, it’s one of the hardest things to do.
But who said it was going to be easy?

So, what goes into creating something that makes an impact?
The short answer?
Hard work.
When our formulators got together – they started by brainstorming answers to a simple, two-part question:
What is a need that our customers may have – but hasn’t been done yet?
Nutrex has become a leader in fat burners over our 20 plus years in operation…
And we knew that a pre workout with fat burning elements would be something that would interest our customers.
Why wouldn’t it?
It’s mixing two of our strongest formulas into one product…
So, we had the idea of what the people wanted – now, we just needed to figure out something that has never been done before.
To be honest, fat burning pre workouts already exist…
They may not be as popular as the high stim pre workout formulas – but they’re out there.
So, knowing this we looked around to see what was being done.
Nothing out of the ordinary really…
The same old formulas with a few thermogenics thrown in.

This gave us a baseline and showed us what if we wanted to innovate – what we shouldn’t do.
Not that there was anything wrong with those formulas…
It’s just nothing new.
We wanted something that would blow every other fat burning pre workout out of the friggin’ water…
And we found it.
The Star Of The Whole Effin’ Show
So, we had a need that needed to be filled…
We had an idea of what we didn’t want to put into our new fat burning pre workout…
Now, all we needed was something different.
That something different came in the form of Metabolyte.
Metabolyte is a nutrient that is unlike anything we’ve ever come across.
This incredible ingredient works by helping your body bypass the burning of glycogen to fuel your muscles with energy – and instead, tap RIGHT into your fat stores.
You know how people tell you that if you want to burn fat – that you should lift before you do cardio so you can burn off your glycogen stores first?
It’s a valid strategy…

Because if you want to burn fat – you want to make sure your body is pulling energy from your fat stores to do it.
Well, with Metabolyte – you don’t need to worry about that as much.
But that’s not where the wonders of Metabolyte end…
Because it also helps NEW fat from forming.
That’s right…
Not only does it help you burn more fat – it fights new fat from storing up.
Once we learned about it – and learned we could put it in a pre workout formula – we knew we had our superstar…
And dammit – we were RIGHT.
The first shipment of OUTLIFT BURN sold out in under 3 days…
Word of mouth about how powerful this stuff is and how well it works in getting your ready to train – it moved FAST.
Red, White, ‘Merica was just the beginning…
As you may have seen we’ve just had our newest flavor drop – Maui Twist – and it’s going just as fast.
We’ve got a hit on our hands…
And all because we decided to INNOVATE.
Capitalism Is AWESOME… BUT
As I said earlier…
Making money is GREAT.
If I were to tell you we were in business just to create quality supplements – you’d know we were lying.
We’re a business – and our goal is profit.
That being said – we’ll never be those guys just looking to make a quick buck.
You can rest assured that if we put it out – it’s undergone MONTHS of formulation and testing…
So, you know that what you’re getting does EXACTLY what we say.
We put a lot of effort into pushing supplement science forward…
Because we want to make an impact.

It’s why we’ve been in business for more than 20 years – while most companies are done in less than a decade.
We’ll keep continuing to innovate…
As long as we have people who want to make positive changes to their health and physique.
We’ve got a lot more in store for the rest of 2023…
Can’t wait to show you.
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs
Editor’s Note: Innovation is what we do here at Nutrex – and OUTLIFT BURN is proof that we aren’t going to rest on our laurels. If you want to try the most complete pre workout we’ve ever created (and maybe even in existence) – grab some of our newest flavor – Maui Twist. Warning: this stuff is POWERFUL – we suggest starting with HALF a scoop instead of a full dose. Trust us – half is MORE than enough to get you going. Grab your Maui Twist here.