When it comes to pushing your limits in the gym or on the field – athletes, CrossFitters and bodybuilders have long turned to the wonders of Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) to supercharge their workouts. However, not enough people include them in their daily regiment. Here’s why EAAs are ESSENTIAL to any fitness-based lifestyle… let’s get into this.
Picture this…
You, sporting workout gear that’s just a tad too tight (we won’t judge)…
Confidently striding into the gym, ready to conquer your workout. You’re armed with determination, a protein shake that tastes suspiciously like cardboard (unless it’s ISOFIT… man, that s@#t is DELICIOUS) and a collection of grunts that would make a silverback proud.
But what’s missing…
Besides a nice pair of Zubbas?

Well, I’ll tell you…
Amidst this nondescript lifter’s epic quest for gains – there’s a secret weapon that athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts worldwide are swearing by – Essential Amino Acids (EAAs).
Some say that these little wonders hold the key to unlocking a world of muscle-building, endurance-boosting and workout-recovery that would make Arnold proud.
For years, EAAs have taken a backseat to BCAAs – especially in the fitness world.
Why is that?
Some say, it’s because BCAA’s simply taste better…
It makes sense – because instead of just having to mask the taste of 3 amino acids – EAA’s have to figure out how to make the entire spectrum of 9 amino acids taste good.
That’s not easy…
Well, I should say, that “wasn’t” easy…
Because science has come a long way – which may be why EAAs are gaining more traction that they have in decades.
But, let’s look at the science behind EAAs…
And hopefully will clear up the whole EAA vs. BCAA rivalry (cue the wrestling match!).
The Dynamic Duo: EAAs and BCAAs
Let’s start at the beginning…
Because right now, you may be thinking, “what exactly do these amino acids do?”
Well, the answer is: quite a lot.
Imagine an EAA supplement as your supplement sidekick – the Robin to your Batman – when it comes to aiding in muscle growth, boosting endurance and even helping to alleviate post-exercise soreness.

Basically, it’s your ticket to a quicker return to the gym…
And if you’re addicted to the iron – faster recovery means a happier you.
But let’s delve into the science behind it all…
The process of Muscle Protein Synthesis is where the real muscle-building action happens.
Surprisingly, it’s not during your workouts – but rather the hours after – that your muscles are repaired and fortified.
Think of it as your body’s recovery mode after those intense sessions.
Pairing an EAA supplement with proper nutrition and restful sleep turbocharges this repair process – sort of like when Popeye’s downs a can of spinach…
But instead of getting gigantic forearms and fighting Bluto – you’re ready to roll out of bed – and get right back to lifting.
Iron addicts are ALL the same…
The Energy Secret Behind EAAs
When we train – we tap into short bursts of energy – which often deplete our reservoir of a power source called glycogen.
This is where EAAs really come into play…
Because by incorporating them into your regimen – you can tap into a better kind of fuel source: fat
By utilizing fat for energy instead of relying on glycogen – you enter into a process called lipid oxidation…
And it’s this switch that can be a game-changer in sustaining your energy levels during various forms of exercise.
Have a workout coming up that requires a lot of explosive movements?
Take EAAs…
Do you play a sport where sprints and explosive output is required?
Take EAAs…

That way – your body will not only be fueled and ready to go – but it will pay dividends in the long run when you burn fat for energy rather than glycogen.
Taking EAAs before your game or training session is big…
But taking it after may be even BIGGER
EAAs might just be your secret weapon against post-workout soreness as well.
The trio of BCAAs found within EAAs – isoleucine, leucine, and valine – have a knack for tackling Delayed Onset Muscular Soreness (DOMS) head-on.
Ingesting these can help diminish those aches and pains…
Helping you bounce back quicker so you can train just as hard tomorrow.
Are you starting to see the magic of EAAs?
The Winning Combination
Back to one of the big debates: what’s better BCAAs or EAAs?
While BCAAs have their merits – there’s a catch…
They’re not the complete package.
EAAs come to the rescue by providing a well-rounded array of essential amino acids required for both growth and repair.
Think of it as a dynamic duo (another Batman and Robin reference)…

BCAAs protect your muscles, while EAAs build and fortify them. It’s a partnership that rivals that of Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson…
As both work together seamlessly to enhance your athletic performance.
So, what’s the golden rule here?
Opt for an exceptional EAA supplement that has your back during those intense training sessions.
Not only will you get the benefits of the BCAAs…
But you’ll get the added benefit of the other EAAs as well.
Research suggests that an intake of 10 to 20 grams is the sweet spot for optimal results.
Incorporate EAAs into your routine before, during and AFTER your workouts, and get ready to take your performance to the next level.
Improved muscle growth, boosted endurance and a decrease in post-exercise soreness – all from one simple supplement.
EAAs are your Super Friends (see what I did there?)…

They amplify your body’s recovery process, fuel your energy reserves and make muscle soreness a thing of the past.
If you’ve been wavering between your trusted BCAAs and whether or not to try some EAAs – let this article be your sign…
Grab some – and see if you can’t feel the difference.
Or not…
It’s a free country, man… do what you want!
“It was not the feeling of completeness I so needed, but the feeling of not being empty.” – Jonathan Safran Foer
Editor’s Note: Has your performance been lacking lately? Find yourself drained? Tired? Sore? Maybe it’s time for an upgrade. EAAs will help you recover faster, tap into more energy and most importantly – help you build muscle. If you’re not already using it – grab some EAA+HYDRATION today. We’ve just revamped the look – and can’t wait to show you what we’ve got next – as far as new flavors are concerned. Get your EAA+HYDRATION by clicking here.