Sore After Training? Try This…

Apr 25, 2023

By Shawn Ambrosino

Muscle recovery is the KEY to continued improvement and performance – so if your gym partner is always whining about being sore? They can reduce muscle soreness with THESE 3 supps! Let’s get into this…

We all know that one guy (or gal)…

You know, the one that’s always holding their chest or shoulder while moving their arm and saying, “Man… I’m sore.”

But they don’t just say it once…

They continue to tell you how sore they are and just how hard they worked to get that sore. 

If you don’t know this person…

Odd are – that person is YOU. 

If that’s the case – you’ve just come across the perfect article – because odds are you’re doing something wrong in your recovery protocol. 

Unless you’re just one of those who like to “one up” other people…

If that’s you – this article won’t help – you may need to go lay on a couch and work through your issues. 

But that’s a conversation for another day…

Today, we’re going to keep it to PHYSICAL recovery – and why having both a physical protocol and supplement plan is important to continued performance, growth and improvement. 

What’s Your Physical Recovery Protocol?

I know that may sound confusing…

A “physical protocol”? 


What are you doing between workouts or on rest days to mitigate the soreness of hard training? 

If your answer is “well… I’m resting – so I do nothing”…

Well, you’re not really recovering, are you? 

No, a physical recovery protocol could go a long way into helping you perform better during your next gym session – and there are MANY different activities to choose from. 

In no particular order: sauna, hot tub, massage, stretching, yoga, ice baths, cryo, massage guns, etc. 

I could keep going really…

But if you’re not doing at least ONE of these – you’re doing yourself a disservice. 

My protocol depends on my soreness…

If I’m sore from weight lifting – I find it best to soak in the hot tub (10 mins in – 5 mins in the pool – repeat 3 times) and yin yoga flow are incredibly helpful…

If I’m sore from my BJJ training – I find cold to be more beneficial. 

One of my students has a cold plunge that I utilize weekly – it’s set at 39 degrees – and 3 minutes of immersion makes my joints and muscles feel incredible. 

I’m also finding the effects of the ice bath will last DAYS… 

It’s made me want to fork out the $6500 for my own – but living in an apartment doesn’t really afford me that luxury. 

In between workout sessions – I also like to swim…

Swimming is GREAT cardio – but it’s also great for recovery – as the water pressure acts as a lymphatic drain, which is great for both recovery and all around health. 


That’s not all I do. 

Reduce Muscle Soreness With These 3 Supps

I do make sure to follow a supplement recovery plan as well – because sometimes – you have to take care of things at the cellular level. 

I take a two-pronged approach to recovery…

The physical side – and the nutrient side. 

There are supplements that can promote faster recovery – and if you’re not including them in your daily regime – you’re making a big mistake.

Radical recovery equals radical performance…

So, if you want to continue to improve your physique or training – then here are 3 different supplements that can bring you closer to peak condition. 

Whey Protein Isolate

First up, we have whey protein isolate. 

Isolate is one of the best supplements for faster muscle recovery. 

Whey protein isolate is rich in Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), which are essential to help build, rebuild, and repair muscle mass breakdown, as well encourage muscle growth…

Plus, it digests faster than other forms of protein – delivering vital nutrients to your muscle tissue faster – for more rapid recovery times.

So basically – it’s like taking a high-speed train to your destination rather than the slow boat to China…

I mean, why take the scenic route when you can get there faster and with less soreness?

Essential And Branched Chain Amino Acids (EAAs & BCAAs)

Next on our list are Essential and Branched Chain Amino Acids. 

Aminos are directly responsible for increasing the rate of the biological process of muscle protein synthesis (anabolism… or muscle growth) and decreasing the rate of protein degradation (catabolism… muscle breakdown)…

So, in other words, they’re the building blocks of protein – without them – you’re pretty much screwed.


Which do you go with? EAA’s or BCAAs?

Well, this is a hotly debated subject in supps right now – because where as EAA’s give you all nine of the aminos that your body needs to grow – 

BCAA’s are comprised of just the three essential amino acids: Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. 

Both are vital for faster recovery…

But given the choice – I’d rather have ALL my bases covered – and so I always push my friends towards EAAs. 

This doesn’t discount BCAAs – it’s just I believe that EAA’s are better because they’re more complete.


Last but not least…

We have L-Glutamine. 

This is the most abundant conditionally essential amino acid in the human body – but with increased training volume – glutamine stores are depleted faster than your body can replenish them. 

This can cause your body to be catabolic and break down lean muscle mass…

No bueno. 

Even more…

It’s been shown in research that low levels of glutamine can also compromise your immune system – putting you at increased risk of infection… 

And nobody wants to be sick after a workout – that’s the worst. 

In a study conducted by Oxford University’s Biochemistry Department, 200 elite endurance athletes consumed a post-workout drink either containing 5g of glutamine – or a placebo immediately after and two hours after exercise…

The results indicated that seven days following exercise – 81% of the glutamine group showed no infection post-workout – as compared to the placebo group, which showed 49% with no infection.

That’s nuts…

So not only will L-Glutamine help you recover faster and reduce soreness, but it’ll also keep you healthy and germ-free. 

Who doesn’t love a two-for-one deal?

The Bottom Line…

The bottom line is…

Recovery takes as much planning and effort as training if you want to perform at your best. 


You can stretch, soak and get rubbed down – but science shows – that ain’t enough. 

On the other hand…

You can take all the recovery supps you want – but if you’re not truly caring for your body – you’re only winning half of the battle. 

To truly take your performance and improvement to the next level…

You have to do BOTH. 

A two-pronged approach to recovery – a physical protocol AND correct supplementation is what you’re going to need if you want to reach your goals. 

That being said…

If you don’t have goals – that may be the place to TRULY start. 

We’ll get back to the couch thing another time…

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Editor’s Note: If you think you’ve been missing the supplement portion of recovery – don’t worry! We got you! The banner below has a link to our Muscle Builders and you’ll be able to find everything BUT L-Glutamine there. That being said – we do carry an incredible glutamine product – GLUTAMINE DRIVE… but you’re going to have to search for it on your own. I’m kidding – here’s a link for it here – for all other muscle builders for recovery – click the banner below! 

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