SUPERCHARGE Your Strength Gains

Apr 22, 2023

By Shawn Ambrosino

There is new science out that points toward two things: that building strength involves lifting heavy weights and the importance of the mind body connection. How do you make REAL strength gains? It’s simple… just think about it. Let’s get into this…

You know…

One of the most popular statements on social media these days is “follow the science”. 

Now, I could spend HOURS talking about how we should wait until the science has settled and how we shouldn’t rush blindly into experimental drugs…

But this isn’t that kind of blog. 

We’re here to talk about REAL science that is untouched by politics – not propaganda meant to divide a country. 

But I digress…

Let’s talk about getting strong. 

Since the days of Milo – the path to building strength was simple: lift progressively heavier things. 

Milo was famous for training with newborn calves – hoisting them on his shoulders daily – till he was eventually carrying a full grown cow around stadiums. 

This may sound unbelievable – but it was documented by multiple different writers of the day…

And it shows just how effective progressive overload can be. 

But – that was CENTURIES ago…

What does MODERN science say is the most effective way to build strength? 

Well, let’s look at a couple of studies to see what our new fangled technology can tell us about the science of getting stronger. 

How Do You Make REAL Strength Gains?

The first bit of information comes to us from Uncle Sam… 

According to a group of researchers from the US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine – getting stronger is as easy as lifting heavy stuff, putting it down, and repeating. 


That’s it. 

According to their research – if you want to build strength: you should use heavy weights that you’re capable of lifting one to five times through a full range of motion – and repeat for two to three sets a few times a week. 

That’s really it. 

Well, thanks for nothing Uncle Sam…

You’ve basically told us what every budding weightlifter learns within their first few months of picking up the iron. 

Lift something up… 

Put it down…



It’s science – so who are we to judge, right? 

Of course there are some nuances…

Such as the protocol if you’re hurt, what your actual goals are or even if you have access to a gym. 

Which is why we’re going to look at another study…

Want Bigger Strength Gains? Train Your BRAIN

Because those nuances do matter – they’re what motivated a team led by Barry Spiering to write a new review paper that was recently published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. (Read Study)

Spiering and his colleagues tried to gather up what we currently KNOW about stimulating strength gains – and how to improve upon the process.  

One of the biggest takeaways of this study? 

If you want to TRULY make strength gains – then maximum mental effort is the key. 

Spiering and company found that the bigger and clearer the signal your brain sends to your muscles – the more force you’ll produce…

Meaning the deeper the mind/muscle connection – the greater the strength gain. 

This is absolutely groundbreaking…

Who would have thought that mind/muscle connection was so important? 

But there’s more…

The study also found that when lifting a light weight while imagining you’re lifting a heavier weight – produces greater strength gains. 


So, just IMAGINING you’re lifting heavier – will make you STRONGER? 

That’s nuts…

But should it really shock us? 

We’ve been talking about how important our mindset is when it comes to training…

So, this news shouldn’t really catch us THAT off guard – but here I sit – still shocked after reading that.  

The study also goes into the importance of full range of motion…

Meaning that all exercises should include both lifting and lowering the weight – with control – through the entire movement. 

Going Above And Beyond

Those are all seemingly logical ways to increase strength…

However, there is one way the team discovered that is not only unconventional – but may be controversial.  

Hard exercise leads to an increase of lactate in muscles – and these metabolites seem to matter more than we think… 

As now, blood-flow restriction training (which involves putting a blood-restricting cuffs or straps on your arm or leg while you lift) traps those metabolites in the limbs – enhances the response to what would otherwise be easy exercises. 

Meaning you trap blood and metabolites IN the muscle and don’t allow the immediate flush…

It’s controversial because it can be dangerous. 

But when has danger ever stopped somebody from getting gains? 

That being said – there ARE safer alternatives…

There are ways to rev up your mental game during a lift that’s already at your physical limit. 

That’s something nootropics are GREAT for – we talked at length about nootropics recently (see article here)…

And they could be the help you need to really amp things up in the gym.  

Isn’t it BONKERS?!

Because as I said in the beginning…

The biggest takeaway is the mind/muscle connection. 

Other research shows that if you just THINK about a movement – the same neurons fire in your brain and in the nerves of your body – as if you’re ACTUALLY doing the movement. 

Think about that for a moment…

Just by thinking about the movements – you’re creating the same neural pathways as if you were physically doing them. 

Do you understand how BONKERS that is? 

The human body is a wonderful thing…

But the mind may be the most powerful thing that’s ever existed. 

We knew it was important…

But who knew it could super charge your gains? 


Learn something new every day. 

“The mind/body connection is like a telephone line – many telephone lines, in fact, teeming with information. Small things like drinking an orange juice with pulp or eating an apple is being received like a telephone call to your genes. Every thought, everything you eat, every single little thing can tweak your genes activity towards healing.” – Deepak Chopra

Editor’s Note: Want to cement that mind/muscle connection? Nothing gives you the focus and drive you need for a brutal training sesh like OUTLIFT. Besides the pump and energy that you expect from a pre-workout – OUTLIFT has a matrix of nootropics that will have you focused in on training like a laser-guided missile. See why people choose the “OG” of clinically-dosed pre-workouts… grab your supply today! 

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