Outside of illegal anabolics – there are a few natural compounds that can truly pack on size and strength. While the rest of the supplement world is over the moon about Tongkat Ali and Ashwagandha – there is another compound out there that can mimic the transformative power of steroids. Is HMB nature’s solution to steroids? Or just another pretender? Let’s take a look…
Look, let’s be honest…
There isn’t anything that’s been discovered that can match size, strength and sheer muscle one can build with synthetic anabolic formulas.
At the end of the day – steroids are king.

However, that doesn’t mean we can’t come close…
In fact, stacking a few of these compounds together could very well imitate what actual steroids can do.
Right now, the biggest stars on the stage are Tongkat Ali and Ashwagandha, and for good reason – as the research that’s come out so far is promising.
There’s another natural compound that’s starting to make waves – one that could be the key to unlocking your body’s growth potential.
HMB or β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate – may be the supplement you’ve probably heard about in hushed tones around the dumbbell rack…
It’s been hailed as a muscle-building messiah.
However, if you’ve been lifting for a while – you know – we’ve heard this story before.
We’ve all heard about some groundbreaking new supplement that is legal, natural and promises to put on size and strength…
Only for it to fall back into obscurity because it never lived up to the hype.
So, let’s peel back the layers of this mysterious compound and see if it’s really the Arnold Schwarzenegger of supplements or just another Danny DeVito (Twins reference, anyone?).
Let’s talk about the benefits of HMB…
Is HMB Nature’s Solution To Steroids?
First off, for those who skipped biochemistry class to hit the gym (no judgment here… I skipped plenty of classes)…
HMB is a byproduct of the breakdown of the essential amino acid, leucine.
Think of it like the sidekick to your favorite superhero…
They may not be the main character – but they’re still pretty important to moving the story along.

Now, why does HMB have researchers buzzing about its potential?
Well, first – these white-coat-wearing eggheads suggest that HMB goes a long way in reducing muscle breakdown.
Like a microscopic bouncer – HMB grabs those pesky enzymes that keep trying to break down your hard-earned muscle – and chuck them right out the door.
Building muscle is important…
But KEEPING the muscle we build is even more important.
But wait, that’s not all…
HMB doesn’t just play defense – as this stuff has a hell of an offensive game too.
Research points towards HMB doing more than protecting muscle – but helps grow it.
Picture this: You’re in the gym, you’re in the middle of your set, your muscles are on fire – engorged with blood…
Not only does HMB make sure things like lactic acid aren’t breaking down that muscle – but also helping heal that muscle – and add to its size.
Maybe it’s not a sidekick at all…
Maybe HMB is a full fledged superhero?

It’s looking that way…
Because there’s a lot more that HMB can help you with besides protecting and building muscle.
The Many Hats That HMB Wears
So far…
We talked about HMB and its role in protecting and building muscle – but what about the rest of our body?
What’s the one thing EVERY person you’ve ever known at the gym has complained about?
And no, we’re not talking about high school kids in Crocs and pajama pants filming themselves at the squat rack…
We’re talking about soreness.
Inflammation is a BITCH – especially as we age – and it’s the bane of every gym-goer’s existence.

HMB has shown to reduce inflammation…
Which is music to ears of anybody that has sore muscles, tendons or joints.
What’s funny is – this is something that steroids do as well.
Can you imagine if taking a serving of HMB can help you avoid waddling around like a penguin after leg day?
That’s pretty cool, right?
However, there’s more…
It’s turning out that HMB may be the Swiss Army Knife of supplements because – it may also aid in recovery (ahem… again, JUST like steroids).
Most people skimp on their recovery…
They don’t see it as necessary – even though it’s widely known that in order to grow you need to rest – making recovery the most important aspect of any growth journey.
Just as HMB has shown to reduce inflammation – the fact that it could make sure you’re recovering FASTER may make it the most substantial supplement breakthrough of the 21st Century.
So, back to our original question…
Is HMB Nature’s Solution To Steroids?
So, is it?
While it’s hard to call anything the second coming of steroids – HMB comes close.
Protecting muscle, building muscle, reducing inflammation and improving recovery time…
Sounds pretty steroidy to me, doesn’t it?

Imagine getting back to lifting heavy things and putting them down faster, with less pain and stronger than ever?
HMB can help…
Just remember, HMB is a supplement, not a miracle worker.
It’s like adding high-octane fuel to a well-tuned race car – not a magic potion that’ll turn your ’92 Honda Civic into a Ferrari.
You still need to put in the work at the gym and keep your diet on point.
No supplement – legal or ILLEGAL, is going to do bicep curls for you – trust me, I’ve checked.
Can HMB help you in your strength and size journey?
All signs point to “yes”…
Give it a try!
“The choices we make – dictate the lives we lead.” – Danny DeVito
Editor’s Note: Want to try HMB? We’ve got you covered, fam… with the ability to protect & build muscle, while helping reduce inflammation and boost recovery – this stuff should be the next thing on your “MUST GET” list. Nutrex offers HMB 1000 – which offers 1,000 milligrams of HMB in every serving. If you want to start your growth journey – we’ve got the fuel for your vehicle. Grab some HMB 1000 today!