For years now – carbs have been looked at as “the bad guy” when it comes to getting shredded… but is that the truth? Is there a way to make carbs work into your cut – or are they a no go? Are Carbs our enemy or ally? Let’s get into this…
Are carbs our enemy?
Or our ally?
I mean, let’s face it – carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap as of late.
With all the new diet trends pushing low carbs – it’s easy to see why so many people are labeling this food source as coming from the devil…
But lumping them all in together is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater – they’re not ALL bad.
When most people think of carbs they think of loaves of bread or donuts or even candy…
And these definitely are the enemies of a shredded physique.

If used properly – carbs can help increase muscle growth, prevent muscle loss, and even boost your metabolism.
And that’s the key, right?
To use them PROPERLY…
For FUEL when your body needs to perform – not for comfort.
I mean, believe me, I understand how good mama’s mac and cheese tastes and makes you feel…
But the idea is for food to fuel our activities – not our emotions.
There are PLENTY of carbs that can help you reach your fitness goals…
So, let’s explore how you can best use carbohydrates to your advantage.
Carbs: Enemy or Ally?
I guess we should start at the beginning…
So, what exactly ARE carbohydrates?
In biochemistry – they’re known as saccharides – which are then divided into four chemical groupings: monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides.
The terms “simple” and “complex” carbs are more commonly used to refer to them – but impress your next date with your knowledge of the fancy terms.
Carbohydrates are classified based on their digestion rate – as measured on the glycemic index.
The higher the rating on the index – the faster the carb is digested.

The hormone insulin is released when carbs are eaten – and if a carb is digested quickly – it causes a large insulin spike.
On the other hand, if a carb is digested slowly – the insulin spike will be more subtle and steady…
This can be useful when muscle breakdown is a serious threat to gains.
Carbs are the preferred source of energy for the metabolism…
And while the body can obtain all the energy it needs from proteins and fats – it doesn’t allow the body to perform optimally.
When carbs are consumed – they can be broken down into glucose and used for energy…
Glucose is the preferred source of energy for working muscles and the brain – so all carbohydrates must be broken down into glucose before they are used.
If the body doesn’t require glucose for energy at the moment – consumed carbohydrates will be converted to glycogen and stored.
The body stores carbohydrates in the form of glycogen within liver and muscle tissue to be used at a later time…
But, if all glycogen stores are full – then carbohydrates will be converted to fat and stored in your least favorite areas – you know where they are.

Why We NEED Carbs
That being said – it’s important to consume enough carbohydrates to fuel training and the metabolism – just not so much that it’s more than your body can handle…
Because carbs can improve performance during training, leading to muscle growth in the long run.
We NEED carbs.
They can increase muscle growth mainly through the actions of insulin – which increases protein synthesis (muscle growth) and prevents muscle loss.
Consuming high glycemic carbs before and during training can counteract some of the muscle loss that occurs during training…
Not only that – but carbs also replenish glycogen stores that have been depleted by training – leading to faster recovery and better workouts.
As important as protein and fats are…
Carbs are as well.
Sure – you can survive on low-carb or even NO carbs – as long as you’re getting enough of the other two…
But your body won’t perform optimally.
Sure, you might look great…
But we should be striving for the type of physique that is both fashion AND function.

And we do that by finding the balance of adding the RIGHT kinds of carbs to our daily diet.
What are the right kinds of carbs?
Well, let’s take a look…
The RIGHT Kinds of Carbs
Lentils: Beans, beans good for the heart – the more you eat the more… you know the rest.
Lentils are high in protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates that are low on the glycemic index. Studies have shown that consuming lentils can help improve blood sugar control, lower cholesterol levels, and can make you feel full – which can lead to weight loss.
Chickpeas: Who doesn’t like hummus? That stuff’s DELICIOUS… and made out of chickpeas.
Like lentils, chickpeas are ALSO high in protein, fiber, and low-glycemic index complex carbohydrates. Research has shown that consuming chickpeas can help improve blood sugar control, lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Steel-cut oats: Ahhhh, oats – a staple of my childhood morning spent with my grandmother who was raised during the Depression.
Steel-cut oats are a type of whole-grain oatmeal that is high in fiber and complex carbohydrates. Studies have shown that consuming steel-cut oats can help improve blood sugar control, reduce inflammation and lower cholesterol levels.
Barley: You know, a lot of people sleep on barley – but the Scottish were onto something when they started making haggis.
Barley is a high-fiber whole grain that is low on the glycemic index. Studies have shown that consuming barley can help improve blood sugar control, lower cholesterol levels, and also reduce the risk of heart disease.
Sweet potatoes: Man… who doesn’t like sweet potatoes? Add some butter (believe it or not – butter IS a superfood) and a little cinnamon… WHOOOO!!
Sweet potatoes are a complex carbohydrate that is low on the glycemic index but is also high in fiber and other nutrients. Research has shown that consuming sweet potatoes can help improve blood sugar control, reduce inflammation and improve gut health.
Those are the right kinds of carbs…

What About Dem “OTHER” Carbs?
But are there anything else that we may be overlooking?
How about supplementation?
Are HIGH glycemic index carbs EVER good to ingest?
Especially if you’re going in for a HEAVY duty training session.
One of the most popular ingredients in supplementation is dextrose.
Dextrose is a simple sugar that is often used to increase energy and enhance athletic performance.
Again, it IS a high-glycemic index carbohydrate – which means that it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and can raise blood sugar levels rapidly…
But this fast absorption provides a quick source of energy – as it increases the availability of glucose to muscles – which is important if you want to improve performance or prevent fatigue.
Dextrose can also be consumed during and after workouts to replenish glycogen stores and aid in muscle recovery.
One of the main benefits of supplementing with dextrose is its ability to increase insulin levels…
As we’ve already discussed, increasing insulin levels – dextrose can enhance muscle protein synthesis and promote muscle growth – while also preventing muscle breakdown and muscle retention.
However, it’s important to note that dextrose IS a simple sugar – which means that consuming it in excess can have consequences you can see and feel.

Carbs: Enemy or Ally?
I think it’s safe to say that carbs are NOT our enemy…
They can be a STRONG ally when it comes to building the physique that others envy.
Don’t let the bad rap of carbs scare you away from consuming them…
They can be incredibly beneficial when used properly.
Carbs can increase muscle growth, prevent muscle loss and boost the metabolism…
They can also help improve performance, endurance and replenish glycogen stores.
The important thing to remember about ANY food source is that it’s FUEL – not a comfort.

Sure, we all want our food to taste great – but the simple fact is – we should really focus on putting only those foods into our body that help us get the best out of it.
So, have that cheat day…
Just don’t let it turn into cheat dayS.
“The lack of carbohydrates can make you a little crazy.” – Tom Hardy
Editor’s Note: If you’re looking for a good pre and intra-workout fuel – and don’t feel like carrying around sweet potatoes with you everywhere – Nutrex has you covered. Our VOLU GRO not only has all the glycogen fuel you need – but also contains 5 grams of creatine monohydrate to REALLY fuel those muscles for all that work! Check out VOLU GRO here!