Deadlifts are one of the holy trinity of lifting – and while we generally see barrel-bodied power athletes doing them – did you know that it is one of the most beneficial exercises for people of ALL body types? See why people call the deadlift the most important exercise you can do. Let’s get into this…
Are you familiar with Jón Páll Sigmarsson is?
For those that aren’t – Jón Páll was the Icelandic strength legend who was the youngest ever winner of the World’s Strongest Man competition… a title he went on to win 4 times before his untimely death at 33.
He was full of life – and from all reports – a genuine human to be around…
And he left a lasting impression and influence on the strength athletes of the next generation.
I say this because many of his fellow Icelander lifters that came after.
During an event – Jón Páll completed a lift and looked at the camera and yelled, “There is no reason to be alive if you can’t do deadlift!”

That quote stuck with Hapthor Bjornsson (You know… The Mountain from Game of Thrones) and his crew – as they all got that quote tattooed on them.
This not only fueled their love of strong man competitions…
But it fostered a love for the exercise some say is the most important lift you can do – the deadlift.
For some, this exercise conjures up fears of blown out backs for some…
But I promise – it’s not as scary as it sounds and even more – science has shown that adding deadlifts to your workout regimen can provide a PLETHORA of benefits.
You don’t need to adopt Jón Páll’s attitude on deadlifts – nor do you have to become a strength athlete to reap the benefits of this exercise…
But it is something you SHOULD add to your routine if you want to see extreme change.
That being said, overall strength and size aren’t the ONLY reasons to start deadlifting…
As just mentioned – there are TONS of other benefits of adding this exercise into your rotation – so, let’s take a look at what they are.
The Most IMPORTANT Exercise You Can Do
First and foremost, let’s start with the obvious…
Deadlifts are fantastic for building overall strength.
They work multiple muscle groups at once – glutes, hamstrings, quads, lower back, and even your forearms.
That means you’ll be able to FINALLY make one trip from your car to the house with all the grocery bags – and impress your Tinder matches with your grip strength to boot.
And speaking of grip strength…
Deadlifts are great for building an iron-like grip.
When you grab the bar during a deadlift – you’re essentially performing an isometric exercise for your forearms…
And since grip strength is correlated with overall strength – improving your grip can help you lift heavier weights in other exercises as well.
So, not only will you be able to carry all those groceries – but you’ll be able to open all those pickle and jelly jars as well.

Nothing is more intimidating than a firm handshake.
If you want to make a great first impression – a firm handshake goes a LONG way.
But deadlifts aren’t just for building strength…
They can also improve your posture.
If you spend hours sitting at a desk or slouching on the couch – deadlifts can help correct that.
By strengthening your lower back muscles – deadlifts can help you stand up straighter and taller.
You’ll look way more confident.
Maybe not Batman level confidence – but you’ll at least SEEM more formidable…

Which goes down as a plus in my book.
Strength Is Good… Health Is BETTER
Strength is great…
But being healthy is something we should all strive for – and deadlifts can help in that area as well – because they can also increase your metabolism.
According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, deadlifts can elevate your metabolic rate for up to 72 hours after your workout.
You’ll burn more calories even when you’re NOT working out – which means you can eat that slice of pizza and not feel TOO guilty.
Not only will this exercise help you burn calories…
But they can also improve your bone density.
As we age – our bones can become weaker – which can lead to an increased risk of fractures and osteoporosis…
But a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that deadlifts can improve bone density in the hip and spine.
So, not only will you be able to deadlift heavy weights…
But you’ll also be able to walk down stairs without worrying about breaking a hip.

For those of us that are *cough* slightly older – longevity is becoming more and more of something we should be looking at.
But there’s even MORE…
Because deadlifts are also great for improving your cardiovascular health.
Since deadlifts work multiple muscle groups at once – they can elevate your heart rate and get your blood pumping.
According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research – deadlifts can even improve your VO2 max(a measure of your body’s ability to use oxygen during exercise)…
Making it an incredible asset for everybody – ESPECIALLY those who are little adverse to doing cardio.
And finally – deadlifts can help alleviate lower back pain.
This may seem counterintuitive – since deadlifts involve lifting weights with heavy lower back involvement…
However, when done correctly, deadlifts can actually STRENGTHEN your lower back muscles and improve your spinal stability.
This can lead to a reduction in lower back pain and an overall improvement in your quality of life – another plus in that “longevity” category.
Get Your Mind Right
Now, we’ve talked about mindset at length here on this blog…
But did you know that by adding deadlifts to your routine – you’re exercising your BRAIN as well?
It’s true – because doing deadlifts can improve your mental toughness.
Well, let’s face it, deadlifts aren’t the easiest exercise to perform…
They require a lot of focus, determination, and grit.
By pushing through the discomfort and completing a challenging deadlift workout – you’ll not only build physical strength and health – but also improve your mental resilience.
This can translate to ALL other areas of your life.
Bigger, healthier, stronger, tougher…

That’s what you can expect to become by adding deadlifts to your routine.
As a note of caution – be mindful of your form.
Doing them correctly is a LOT better than doing them heavy.
One path leads to improvement…
While the other leads to disaster.
If you don’t know how to do them – find somebody at your gym that does to walk you through the process…
Having eyes on guidance is a LOT better than trying to learn from a video – or from a guy at a keyboard.
Do ‘em right and watch the changes happen…
And you’ll understand why deadlifts are the most important exercise you can do.
“There are no shortcuts. The fact that a shortcut is important to you means that you are a p**sy.” – Mark Rippetoe
Editor’s Note: Deadlifting is a lot like pimpin’ – it ain’t easy. If you’re looking for an extra shot of motivation get that weight moving – grab some Hemo-Rage UNLEASHED. This high-stim pre will shoot your energy levels into the stratosphere – giving you ALL the motivation you’ll need to pull that heavy-ass weight! Grab some Hemo-Rage UNLEASHED and destroy the gym before walking out like a G. Get yours HERE!