One of the most overlooked aspects of wellness – is often gut health. However, more and more research shows that as goes the gut – so goes the body. So, how do people with strength and bodybuilding goals make sure they’re doing the best by their belly – while getting in their nutrition needs? Can you make gains AND keep a healthy gut? Let’s get into this…
Not many people give a lot of thought to gut health – and why should they?
As long as you’re 💩💩💩 like a champ… who cares, right?!
Well, the truth is…
Our gut dictates our entire state of being – and that’s not just my opinion… it’s science.
In a study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology investigated the impact of gut microbiota on immune function…
And the findings suggested that a healthy gut microbiome can enhance immune responses, protect against infections, and reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases.
So, it’s not just me throwing out statements…
It’s backed by research.

However, is gut health easy to maintain when you’re focused on strength and mass gains?
It’s definitely possible…
With just a few small changes – you can keep those gains goals in tact – while keeping making sure you’re taking care of your gut.
And we should…
Because while we’ve just talked about how scientific research has established a connection between chronic diseases – like autoimmune disorders and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to poor gut health – but also inflammation.
Those sore shoulders?
Those aching knees?
What if by just making a few small changes to your diet you can ensure your body feels incredible?
Would it be worth it?

Of course it would…
So, what changes can you make that would ensure this happens AND you can still grab your gains?
Let’s talk about it…
Can You Make Gains AND Keep A Healthy Gut?
It’s important to know that the gut microbiome – which consists of a diverse collection of microorganisms residing in the digestive system – plays a vital role in digestion, nutrient absorption and defense against harmful bacteria.
For bodybuilders and strength athletes striving to hit their goals…
Understanding the concept of gut health is paramount.
Believe it or not – a healthy gut flora has been shown to be ESSENTIAL for building muscle mass,shedding excess weight and maintaining consistent energy levels…
But what factors contribute to poor gut health?
Unhealthy lifestyle choices – such as eating those cookies after dinner EVERY night, scrolling through social media all night or slamming bruskis like you’re in a college chug contest – can not only wreck your health…
But could sabotage your gains.
Because your gut health not only affects your ability to absorb nutrients effectively but also influences your body’s response to different foods and substances.
If your gut health is suboptimal – your body’s ability to convert food to muscle is hindered.
Fortunately, there are several strategies that can help make sure your body is absorbing the nutrients it needs to ensure you make gains.
Let’s take a look at a few…
The Little Things – Small Tips For Optimum Gut Health
Like most of life…
Optimum gut health is all in the details.
First things first…
Let’s take an inventory of your routines.

Begin by closely examining your diet, sleep patterns and exercise regimen.
Are you getting the right amount of protein? Are you in bed by 10am? Can you get to the gym early enough that your heart rate isn’t too high before bed?
These are important things to know…
Because life comes down to data – and knowing your baseline is important before making any change.
Sometimes, we attribute improvements or setbacks to the WRONG things – which is why it’s crucial to know where you’re starting from.
Once you’ve got your baseline – NOW you’re ready to make some changes to improve that gut health.
You can start by incorporating probiotics, prebiotics (fiber-rich foods) and anti-inflammatory foods into your diet…
Pro/Prebiotics: Building An Army
Probiotics are SO hot these days…
But why?
Because we’ve realized that gut health is so friggin’ important!
Probiotics are basically an army of bacteria residing in the gut that aid in digestion and support the immune system.
Without this army…
Your health will be overrun by invading forces of disease and illness.

So, how do we bolster our gut troops?
Well, we can start with adding a few foods that reinforce those troops…
Adding things like yogurt, kimchi, kefir, or sauerkraut are excellent sources of probiotics.
Fermented foods are great for your gut…
And the more biotics you’ve got in there – the better you absorb nutrients – meaning the better your gains will be.
We’ve got to FEED those probiotics. You can’t expect your army to be in fighting shape if they’re HUNGRY…
So, that’s where prebiotics come in.
Prebiotics are fiber-rich foods that provide nourishment to your probiotic army.
Things like whole grains, legumes (beans), fruits and vegetables are all abundant in fiber – which promote “regularity”.
Regularity means: 💩💩💩!
That’ll go a long way to improving your overall health.
Turn Down The HEAT!
Now that we’re making sure our probiotic army is in fighting shape…
It’s time to make sure the rest of your body is ready to take on the world.
Inflammation will wreak havoc on your system…

Not just in your joints but throughout your entire body.
If you want to feel better – try to lower the inflammation that we all have.
However, instead of taking pharmaceuticals maybe you want to start including some anti-inflammatory foods to your diet as well.
Eating foods such as beans, salmon, mackerel, sardines, almonds, pumpkin seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, blueberries, strawberries and turmeric can help…
All of these foods have been shown to help reduce inflammation in your body.
They literally turn down the heat in your body…
And that will work wonders with the way you feel.
It’ll allow you to lift longer and/or harder.
And that’ll go a LONG way to ensuring those gains.
By adopting these strategies and making conscious choices to enhance your gut health…
You can unlock your potential.
Remember, a healthy gut is not only beneficial for overall well-being but also acts as a catalyst for achieving your desired muscle growth and physical strength goals.
Make your gut health a priority…
You’ll be grateful that you did!
“Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook, and a good digestion.” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Editor’s Note: Gut health is an incredibly overlooked aspect of health – yet, it’s something we’ve taken seriously here at Nutrex. It’s why we designed ISOFIT as a whey protein isolate – as it’s lower lactate content makes it healthier for your gut biome. If you’re looking for those ever elusive gains – but want to keep you gut healthy – grab some ISOFIT and start doing BOTH!