When it comes to training – modeling your program after Arnold Schwarzenegger – would be smart. He’s the king for a reason – and following in his footsteps could speed up the gains grabbing process. Use Arnold’s “Golden 6” to unleash your inner Terminator. Let’s get into this…
I know, I know…
We talk about Arnold Schwartzenegger on here. A lot.
There’s a reason for that…
He’s the KING.
He’s the reason that millions of people decided to step into a gym…
Even more, without him – the health and fitness industry may not have HALF the influence that it does.
So, we give credit where credit is due…
And Arnold has more than earned our respect – he’s earned our gratitude.
Of course, the fact that he has one of the most amazing physiques of all time…
And if you’re going to have an “ideal” of what the human male form should look like – you can’t get much better than the Austrian Oak.

That being said…
What was Arnold’s secret to getting that physique?
Well, we’ve talked about his mindset, his philosophy (volume training) and even which anabolics he used in his prime…
But we really haven’t talked about WHAT he did.
What was a typical “Arnold” workout?
I mean, the guy literally wrote the book on bodybuilding…
So, we do have a lot of insight – but do we KNOW what workout he used to build that Mr. Olympia-winning body?
It’s called the “Golden 6” – and it’s what helped make Arnold… well, Arnold.
Now, it’s important to understand – this wasn’t the ONLY thing he did…
But – it went a long way to building one of the best physiques to ever exist – so, let’s take a look at it.
Use Arnold’s “Golden 6” To Unleash Your Inner Terminator
Now, even though training science has evolved since Arnold’s day…
His “Golden 6” workout is the stuff of legends.
If you’ve seen any footage from the Golden Age – then you’ve seen just how brutal the workout sessions that guys like Arnold, Franco Columbu, Dave Draper, Ed Corney and others were.
They were in the gym for hours…
Doing set after set – stacking weights (and bodies) high on the machines in order to get just a little bigger or stronger.
However, at the core of the king’s workouts were always The “Golden 6″…

And they’re as straightforward as it gets.
That being said – don’t let that lull you into a false sense of security…
The Golden 6 are FAR from easy.
The goal is simple…
Do 3 sets of 10 reps for each exercise you see – for a total of 18 sets.
Like I said… sounds simple – but again, this isn’t easy.
Let’s take a look at the movements you’ll be tackling…
Bench Press
Nothing says “power” like the good old bench press.
Three sets of ten reps – with the correct weight and mind/body connection – will have your pecs and triceps screaming for mercy.
The key to getting the most out of this exercise is the grip…
Try not to go too close or too wide.
A good rule of thumb is to put your ring finger on line when using a barbell – that will ensure almost the perfect hand placement.
Do that…
And the only thing heavier than the weights you’re smashing – will be the sheer awesomeness of your gains.
There are two kinds of people on the planet…
Those who love squats – and those who hate them.

We realize that for most of the population – squats aren’t the most enjoyable exercise…
But that being said – there is no better exercise for complete leg development.
The key to squats?
Don’t cheat yourself…
If you want truly massive quad development – I suggest ass to grass. Start light… because trying to go heavy with a full range of motion can literally KILL you.
But if you keep your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart – you should be fine.
Do them correctly and you’ll definitely feel the burn – but you’ll feel like a phoenix when you have to start buying new pants to fit your massive quads.
Ah, the pull-up…
The exercise that separates the men from the boys.
I call pull-ups “survival training” – because they’re one of the few exercises that could save your life…
You never know when you’ll be hanging off the side of a cliff or some building – so I value pull-ups more than many other movements.

Completing three sets of ten reps of these – will make a man (or WOAHman) out of you…
And will sculpt your back, biceps and forearms faster than almost anything.
The key?
Don’t cheat. Don’t use straps for a better grip… and DEFINITELY don’t do the “air humps” that you see CrossFit athletes doing.
Go strict…
You can use a rubber strap in the beginning till you get strong enough to get them on your own – but try to get them with as LITTLE assistance as possible.
You have to start somewhere, right?
Shoulder Press
Very few things make a person LOOK wide as much as a nice round pair of shoulders…
So, if you want to show the world to see how hard you’re working – you might want to spend some extra time on those delts.
Again, three sets of ten reps of shoulder presses will build cannonballs on your delts – and give you that true, action figure look.
The key to this exercise?
Concentration. It’s real easy to let your triceps, back or even momentum do the work for you…
Concentrate on letting your deltoids and traps start and finish the movement.
Earn extra points if you perform Arnold Presses for this exercise.
Bicep Curls
Beside big shoulders…
Nothing impresses more than big arms – in particular – big biceps.
If you want to give people tickets to the gun show – you’ve got to get on them curls.
Contrary to what some football coaches may say – they’re not just “beach muscles”…

Strong biceps will help your entire upper body development.
The key to this exercise?
Again, concentration.
Like shoulders – it’s easy to let momentum and back do the work…
But if you TRULY want to build that biceps – keep the form strict – and engage that mind/body connection.
And of course…
Flexing in the mirror is practically mandatory after finishing your last rep.
Now, we all know a strong core is essential to EVERYTHING…
So we end our workout with sit-ups.
This is the only exercise that we’ll forego the rep count and just go till failure.
The key to this exercise?
The squeeze…
At the top of the movement – really SQUEEZE those ab muscles – to get the most out of the exercise…
And bonus points for lowering back down slowly.
Sure it’s tough after 15 sets of a full body workout…
But remember: pain is just weakness leaving the body.
Are You Ready To Unleash Your Inner Terminator?
Ready to give this workout a shot?
It’s not complicated…
6 exercises, 3 sets each – and 10 reps on everything except the sit ups that we do till failure.
I know the prospect of completing a full body workout can be overwhelming…
But the fact is – if it was able to be Arnold – it can help build you.
Now, this doesn’t have to be a permanent change…
But if you find yourself in a bit of a rut – or if your gains have plateaued a bit – then you may want to give the Golden 6 the ol’ college try.
I mean…
Unless you think you know more than a multi-time Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia.
Of course, in 2023 – I wouldn’t be surprised by the amount of people that think they actually DO know more.
Give it a go…
Let us know how you did!
“The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That’s what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they’ll go through the pain no matter what happens.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
Editor’s Note: The Golden 6 sounds interesting – but we all know that getting gains is a three-pronged attack. The right nutrition, the right training regimen and proper supplementation. What you put in your body is just as important as what you put your body through. We’re here to help you reach your fitness goals – and if size is your main concern – we’ve got you. We’ve got an entire line of Muscle Builders to help you grab then gains. Follow the link and start growing! Grab some Muscle Builders today!