Do you find it hard to go to the gym sometimes? Of course… we ALL do. However, there is a key to unlocking LIMITLESS motivation (and no…it’s not discipline) – and all you have to do is embrace the dark side. Let’s get into this…
Raise your hand if you’ve actually talked yourself out of going to gym?
You worked all day, you’ve got the slightest tinge of a headache and the thought of cooking dinner (because you didn’t meal prep) after getting home from the gym just sounds too daunting. So, you tell yourself that you don’t need to go to the gym today – and you’ll just pick it back up tomorrow.
If I’ve had that conversation with myself 500 times – that may be a low end estimate.
Sometimes, I win that conversation and tell that voice in my head, “No… I’ve got to go – because if I don’t go today – it makes it easier not to go tomorrow.”
But, sometimes, I lose that conversation – and sit on the couch, regretting that I didn’t go.
However, the truth is – we all momentarily lose motivation from time to time…
But what if I told you there’s a way to tap into unlimited motivation? Would you try it?
Embrace The Dark Side
Now, we all know that motivation isn’t always easy or sunshine and rainbows…
Sometimes – the best fuel comes from those dark places: anger, pain, jealousy – those so-called “negative” emotions – can be the fiercest motivators you’ll ever find. It’s like a survival instinct. When you’re driven by something raw and powerful – you’re tapping into a primal energy that’s been in us since the beginning.

That’s not something you get from reading a cheesy quote about “believing in yourself.”
Let’s be honest – if you’re angry, if you’re hurting, if there’s a fire in your gut from something someone said or maybe something you went through – that’s when you have real momentum.
Look at people who’ve done amazing things. Often, they’re not coming from a place of pure optimism…
They’re coming from a place of having something to prove.
They’re driven by a hunger to overcome or outdo – and there’s nothing wrong with that. That drive, that grit, doesn’t come from a soft place – it comes from the grind, from those emotions that people want to sweep under the rug.
I’m not saying you should live in negativity…
That stuff can burn you out if you let it take over.
Unlocking Limitless Motivation
The key to all this is not letting your emotions control you…
But you controlling your emotions.
That emotion is useful…
Channel it. Use it as fuel. You’re not just working out, or studying, or grinding at your job – you’re proving something. You’re using that pain, that anger, that jealousy to tell the world: “You want to doubt me? Ok… then just watch what I can do.”
Because when you’re pushing yourself from a place of real emotion – nothing is more powerful. Suddenly, you’re going further, lifting heavier, doing things you didn’t think you could. It’s like tapping into another gear.
When you let yourself feel those emotions and channel them toward something productive – that’s where the gains happen.
You’re not just moving weights – you’re moving mountains. That fire in your gut – it’s a gift.

Don’t ignore it, and don’t let it consume you.
Harness it.
You Don’t Know The Power of the Dark Side
If you’re a Star Wars fan like me – then you know that what made Darth Vader so powerful was the fear and anger he felt.
If you find yourself lacking motivation to go to the gym – or find that you’re having that inner conversation about not going to the gym – try this:
Close your eyes – and think of the last situation that made you feel any negative emotion. Be it fear, anger, jealousy or whatever. Picture yourself in the situation again. Then focus. Not on the situation or what you’d say or do if you were back there – but one the emotion itself. Feel it. Embrace it. Then open your eyes.
I can almost guarantee that you’ll have one of the best training sessions you’ve ever had.
I’m telling you – try it. It’s the key to unlocking limitless motivation.
You never have to have that conversation with yourself agian.
Like Bruce Banner said in the Avengers movie before he turned into the Hulk…
“That’s my secret, Cap… I’m always angry.”
“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” – Og Mandino
Editor’s Note: This is a great trick to get you motivated – but what happens when you just don’t have the energy? What do you do when you need a little more? Well, we’ve got you, fam – with what we like to call: Motivation in a Bottle. OUTLIFT CLINICAL may be one of the BEST pre-workouts ever created. The ingredients work so well together – it’ll change what you think is possible. Grab your own OUTLIFT CLINICAL today and feel the difference. Get it now.