Is there a “forgotten” element for burning fat and losing weight? Yes… and it’s one you don’t often hear talked about – due to the fact that you need MORE of it – in order to help reach weight loss goals.
Anybody that argues that weight or fat loss is hard – is either ignorant or lying to you.
The fact is, weight loss and fat loss – at its core – is simple:
Burn more calories than you take in.
It’s a math equation, right?
Eat less calories or burn more…
Well, if it’s so simple…
Why is it so hard for so many to get their weight under control?
And… it seems ESPECIALLY hard in the West.
We’re a FAT society – and that goes DOUBLE for the good ol’ US of A…
Seriously, according to the CDC, “From 1999 –2000 through 2017 –March 2020, US obesity prevalence increased from 30.5% to 41.9%. During the same time, the prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4.7% to 9.2%.” (link)
That’s crazy…
Almost HALF of America is obese. Not overweight… obese.

That’s what happens when it’s easy and cheaper to get high-sugar, calorie-dense foods rather than whole foods like quality meats, fruits and vegetables that often come at a higher price point.
Don’t believe me?
Go to a drive through and grab a meal…
Then try to do the same for a healthier alternative. It’s damn near impossible…
McDonald’s is a LOT cheaper (and more convenient) than actually going to the store, buying a nice cut of meat and nutrient-rich vegetables – and then cooking it yourself.
Shopping and cooking…
It can be a pain in the ass. Especially after a long day of work. So…
We go for what’s easy – which tends to be high-calorie, nutrient-deficient foods.
Which is why everybody wants the magic bullet…
They want the pill that allows them to eat what they want and allows them to look like their favorite superhero.
This magic bullet doesn’t exist.

Even more – medical procedures like the lap band or gastric bypass – don’t always work either…
I’ve seen people lose hundreds of pounds – only to eat right through it – and gain a lot of the weight back.
That’s because they don’t address the TRUE problem…
The mental aspect of overeating.
But we’re not here to talk about psychology…
We’re here to talk about a DIFFERENT overlooked element of weight/fat loss.
We’re here to talk about the forgotten element for burning fat…
The truth is – most of us don’t get enough of the protein our bodies need in order for it to maintain the necessary repair of muscle and tissue.
We get enough energy though, don’t we? Carbs seem to have ZERO problem finding their way into our diets.

But the food source most associated with keeping our bodies healthy – protein – tends to fall down the list.
Why is that?
Again – carbs are cheap… and easy.
Protein costs more.
It’s much cheaper to buy a loaf of bread than it is to buy a steak…
But get the best (or worse) of both worlds when you grab a quick burger from the drive through.
However, cost isn’t the only hurdle…
It’s much easier to buy a jar of peanut butter – than a pack of chicken breasts.
And it’s easier to prepare and eat than a pack of chicken breasts…
Slap some on a piece of bread – and some jelly – and you’ve got yourself a quick and easy meal.
Not only that…
It’s tastier to scarf down a PB & J than it is a plain chicken breast – no matter how much BBQ sauce you slather on it.

Not that peanut butter doesn’t contain protein – it does…
But a tablespoon of Peter Pan or Skippy has a lot more sugar and a lot less protein than even a chicken nugget or even an egg.
Protein is a missing element from MOST diets as a whole…
But it could be the source we need most for weight loss too.
Clinical evidence shows that by increasing protein…
You decrease body weight and fat percentage.
Again, I know that sounds counterintuitive…
How could eating MORE of a food source help you lose weight?
Yet, according to studies, “Several clinical trials have found that consuming more protein than the recommended dietary allowance not only reduces body weight (BW), but also enhances body composition by decreasing fat mass while preserving fat-free mass (FFM) in both low-calorie and standard-calorie diets.” (link)
Most people may get stuck on the first part of that statement…
But it’s the last line I want you to pay attention to.
“…enhances body composition by decreasing fat mass while preserving fat-free mass (FFM) in both low-calorie and standard-calorie diets.”
DECREASED fat mass in both low-calorie and STANDARD- calorie diets.
That’s important…
Because most Americans eat a standard-calorie diet – which is about 2,000 to 2,500 calories – depending on your sex.
Studies show that if you swap out carbohydrate or fat calories for protein in standard-diets…
You will increase fat loss by increasing muscle mass.

Think about it…
How many times have you heard the old adage, “muscle weighs more than fat”?
Now, what that means is – 5 pounds of muscle takes up less space than 5 pounds of fat…
And by increasing protein intake – you increase the size of muscles – which in turn burn more calories…
Leading to sustained fat loss.
I’m not telling you something that you don’t already instinctively know, am I?
Odds are you’ve KNOWN for a while that protein is the key to getting bigger…
All I’m doing is pointing out the fact that protein also keeps you LEANER.
So, why isn’t this fact pointed out more?
Why isn’t it talked about?
My answer is simple: 🤷🏼♂️
I have no idea…
I can only tell you that protein intake doesn’t always have to be a meat source – though – it’s also been shown in studies that animal protein is superior to plant protein.
No, what I wanted to talk about was protein supplementation.
You can get MORE protein on a daily basis by incorporating protein shakes into your diet.
Most protein replacement powders contain about 20 to 25 grams of protein (regardless of source) – and most fitness-minded people understand that they need to do this to hit their strength and size goals.
But are they doing it enough?

Most adult bodies can only absorb about 20-25 grams of protein over an hour and a half to two hour time period…
So, if you’re slamming two scoops of protein into your shake – you’re only absorbing about half of it – and wasting the other.
If you aimed to ingest 20 – 25 grams of protein every 2 hours – you’d be getting more absorption and most likely exceeding your protein requirements.
If you’re exceeding them…
You’re building more muscle – and staying leaner.
That’s not me making a claim…
That’s just science.

Are you getting the protein you need?
Do you need to drop a little of the pudge?
Before you go extreme and start restricting calories…
You may want to try just upping your protein intake.
Try it for a month…
See what happens.
Much better than starving yourself…
I promise.
“Getting enough protein is important when I train, to help build muscle and recover, so I’ll supplement with protein shakes.” – Conor McGregor
Editor’s Note: Protein is the KEY ingredient to life… and it may be the key ingredient for the life that YOU want to live. It’s the forgotten element for burning fat! Want to be leaner? Want to shock everybody when you take off your shirt or cover at the beach? Get more protein! If you’re not supplementing with a protein shake… what are you doing?! ISOFIT by Nutrex is an easy and affordable way to get more protein… even more – it comes in 5 deliciously-designed flavors to choose from. If you want to get an attention-grabbing body this summer – start by grabbing some ISOFIT protein today!